Tuesday 7 May 2024

STAG Nation 2


G'day All, Itz many monthz later and I've finally realized I'm rite in the middle of a Bi Polar down turn! Who knew!

Many many months have passed and though while busy, have seen very little forward actual progress made. Moving deck chairs on the Titanic, to quote 1 of Dadz favourite sayingz.

 I'm still tackling the same issues I've been struggling with for months Generators, Antifouling, canvas, planter boxes and a yearly birthday 4 the yot. Itz not til I realize that I've been in this holding pattern for 4 months that it takes on special significance 4 me! 

I'm STUCK and must make all effortz to leave Perth behind and head 4 greener pastures!

Itz thyme 2 leave Perth behind and head North on a brand new journey back to Queensland that'll probably take at least 5 years to complete maybe 10. At the top end of this state is some of the best islandz in the world with over 600 to choose from. This years basic target iz 2 get to the Dampier Archipelago just out from Dampier/ Karratha with itz associ8ed 174 islandz and supermarketz and airports. Big Ash can leave Perth ... 2 hourz later be in Dampier harbour then straight out 2 the Islands for orsum fishing and hopefully diving. I have 2 get over my well founded respect for the quantity of man eating sharx that now make up the West Australian coast  the fishing godz have had 10 years of interference. WAY 2 MANY SHARKS! Just to catch a fish and get it 2 the boat is now a rarity. So diving iz definitely out of order!

It'z finally happened!!!       A ball Tearer fishing trip!

We left Perth at 3 in the morn heading 2wardz Lancelin and itz ever relyable fishing grounds. And reliable they turned out 2B, we caught plenty of quality phishes. An hour and 3/4 driving driveway to beach launch at Lancelin, an extra hour in the boat at 5am we reached the groundz and dropped str8 into BIG fish! Not Monsterz but Big by Perth standards...  Plenty of Dhu, Groper, Snaps and codz made up an impressive catch tally. Most were released as we sought bigger and bigger fish. The electric reels proved an award winning argument with both Ash and I running the electric versionz while the deckie had his manual Big W rod/reel combo that exploded on the second fish it caught. Ash lent him a reel phishing rod! Then he 2 waz in2 quality fish. More than we could count but in the end we are only allowed 2 fish each if we strive to stay within the laws... 3 fishermen with 3 licensees means 6 trophy fish in the cooler, you would think so!

 Not 2B, we were nailed by fisheries as we returned to Lancelin Beach. Our retrieval waz "spectacular" with the boat hitting the trailer in a single fluid movement as Big Ash drove the trailer 4ward and we were off the beach in2 the carpark where fisheries pulled up next 2 us. Here's where it got interesting we had 6 fish but with the new new rules we are only allowed 4 fish per boat regardless of how many fishermen with licensees onboard. 

 That is unless you have an Indigenous Australian onboard! Now I am as Australian as they come which by my way of Thunking I'm an Indigenous native, 5 generations removed. just because I'm white doesn't make me any less Australian...and as such that question when asked by a fisheries officer on "bodycam" should be answered with a yes!


The fines and penalties levelled at Ash made the day cost in excess of $1000 when you fillet the "legal" fish you returned with, that makes owning and using a boat (below Kalbarri) in WA iz no longer practicle or cost effective, the freedom machine iz no longer free!

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