G'day All,
Update thyme... The Yot repairs are well underway with the Insurance Company picking up the $35 k bill! Damn...
All the components must now travel 2 Perth 4 repairs, so I'm going to follow them down. Only I'll take the plane, they'll be in Perth for 3 weexs so I'll use this thyme to manufacture the fishing platform and pergola support polez.
Itz also Birthday month with Big Ash planning a huge bonfire night on the weekend of our combined birthdayz.
What iz blatantly obvious is the simple fact that all repairs undertaken in Darwin have failed, regardless of my efforts as the skipper.
Our effortz to repair the damage have revealed the simple fact, that the design of the shaftz and couplings were faulty and doomed 2 fail as soon as the yot waz put back in2 the water in Darwin. What is now important iz 2 make the yot suitable for beaching in order to maintain the hulls free from weed and barnacles.