G'day All,
We R now far from Port Douglas and all itz "Officialdom".
It seems every thyme I get near population (wkoa) bases the hookz come out and try to hold the Yot.
Metaforikly speaking.
In almost slow motion I caught a glimpse of light through the right corner of the spinnaker then it waz simply GONE!
The right hand seam let go and in spectacular moment of destruction the repaired spinnaker was nothing but tattered shredz.
Itz life force is finally spent and now tiz nothing more than kite making material.
Soundz like a fitting end!
The evening waz spent under headsail until we rounded behind Pickersgill Reef and itz mini light house.
The idea waz 4 Honey to have a day of free roaming on a sandy cay but we awoke to a steady 25 knot breeze and a full tide.
Our last hope was just that Hope Island, and itz associ8ed shelter.
Honey definitely enjoyed a run and tumble on this little version of a Tropical Island, alas no palm treez.
Sand, Treez and Grass "Honey Heaven" |
If you were so inclined, 20 minutes you did a complete lap.
I think Honey ran 2 then walked another 2 B4 she was stuffed.
Return 2 the Yot 4 a dinner thyme feed of Asian steamed emperor and garlic infused jasmine rice.
Anna maid her first thyme bread and butter pudding which we devoured with a scoop of toffee icecream B4 hunkering down for a calm but very windy nite.
With the trade windz a constant push itz thyme 2 wait out this blow behind Hope Island B4 visiting Cairns Reef.
This loox like just the spot 2 sit out the downward end of this weather while catching a phish or 3.
Then itz just a short hop out to
"The Ribbons".
Then again we might just head straight to Ribbon Reef No 3 and spend a couple of dayz in Heaven.