G'day All,
You know itz thyme 2 leave when you wake to a croc less than a meter from your bedhead.
Mum is struggling with some basic tasks like stair climbing, so itz good for someone 2B around full thyme if she needz any help.
Not that thatz very often!, I'm surprised how good she loox considering how sick she really iz.
While I'm here I'll be tiling the rear alfresco area so the area iz nice for Mum to sit and enjoy the afternoon sun and seabreezez.
A few porcelain tilez were kneaded on the laundry floor also.
re-recycled jarrah |
Garlic prawnz 4 dinner hopefully local crayfish and swan river crabz to come this week,It turnz out none of our filletz made it down here to Brother Mark but I dont think it'll be a problem to catch a few down here as the fishing ban haz finished recently.Also,
Rite on cue it loox like the first cyclone of the season iz brewing off the Kimberly Region.Cyclone Evette.
I have managed to use some of the jarrah timber I sent to Kenny in Townsville to make this compass rose bowl hopefully Ken haz found the deep red hardwood, just as inspiring. Lotz of woodworx this week with Dad wanting the coffering finished above the alfresco area B4 I start tiling.
Mum should have a nice area to sit when she comes out of hospital in the next few dayz.
Ken iz also sick with Cancer hopefully he 2 getz out for a fish this Xmas break, Loox like I'll get out boxing day with a perfect forecast.
Loox like Dad haz solved the croc issue back on the yot.
The dive platform is on hinges so I can put up the back fence B4 I go 2 sleep and no crox can climb onto the rear deck/ dive platform.
As I get further remote heading towardz Darwin and the Kimberlyz, the croc problem iz only going 2 get worse.
Mite even B thyme to source a "bang stick" to keep the crox at bay also.