Tuesday 18 October 2011

1st trip continued......

Misty Morn
G'day All,
                 I said I'd update as this new puter became more active and useable.Well I've now managed to get it to accept photo's.After convincing the old computer to run for 2 minutes I managed to transfer the photo files into my portable hardrive and then into the new puter.
As is plainly visable the mornings are a little foggy at the moment as the weather cycles change. Didn't stop us casting off and heading out to sea once the YOT floated on high tide at about 8.30am. We set off through the mist and made our way outside the harbour.During the passage over to Cape Clevland I managed to cook  breakfast for the 3 of us. Bacon,scrambled
Cast off!
eggs and french toast. Served with a celebratory bourbon (itz not every day you set sail for the first major trip) The motors were up first and pushed theYOT nicely at a blisteringly fast pace of 7 knots (wow!,this is going to take some adjustment) They do however give that sense of security just knowing I can fire the Donk's and move any direction, as against the wind powered versions which are a little more unpredictable in direction and strength (as we found out later)
hyrdoponics room
The trip to the Cape was a whole new experience with the raymarine autopilot handling the steering, Matt and I were free to sit out the back and marvel at the serenity and scenery.Mah wasn't as happy though! Something she will have to get used to though as Matt's yacht is rapidly taking shape back at the yard. The hydroponic vegie garden is a definate success with the planters mounted up on the front deck(foredeck) then I move them into the growroom for ocean voyages. Giving the best of both conditions with plenty of sunlight and also protection from the effects of salt water while moving the Yot from bay to bay.
Leaving harbour
Galleycat Afloat
We made it to Clevland and Matt took Mah ashore for a much needed romp on the beach and a patch of fresh grass! He took the camera with him to get a few shots of the YOT from afar. After they returned a quick dip was the order of business before we pulled the White Flappy Things up for a trial sail out on the bay. Once all 3 WFT's were up and trimmed out we managed about 4-5 knots but the wind was basically non existant. It did give a positive example of the basic fact that I can use the wind to get to a place to go fishing (which is the whole idea of this venture) as we arrived about an hour later at Salamander Reef for a spot of reef fishing. The tide was as low as can be by this time leaving the fish fairly unresponsive but we did catch a fish, so  job done!" Up anchor" with the flash new anchor winch, then it was thyme to head back to the Cape and towards Townsville.
Anchored at Cape Clevland
All 3 WFT's at work
A small bite to eat "Lasagna" and with both motor and sail power we ticked along nicely at about 8 knots before the wind died completely and the WFT's were packed away and we motored back to town arriving just on dusk.
A truely fantastic first trip and example of what life now holds for me, with the construction of the shade cover out the back the YOT will become even more enjoyable and it won't be long before the major trials to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef are underway.
Here's to a new lifestyle! Far removed from the hustle and bustle of my previous "existence".
White Flappy Things in Action

Before I close off I must mention "THE GREAT RACE" WOW what a weekend! Fantastic Racing,Fantastic Food in a perfect surrounding.
Brother Mark rang to let me know he was standing at the top of Mount Panorama watching the race evolve infront of him."lucky Bastrard" We've made a deal to both be there next year for the 50th celebrations and the last year the the race will be just Ford/Holden. The Yot will be moored at the closest available safe anchorage and we'll head to the mountain for a once in a lifetime experience! I seem to be racking up a few of these lately.
 With the really enjoyable stage of this journey now tantalisingly close the urge to get the YOT finished is now stronger than ever. Several purely sailing trips are now planned with Ken aboard to learn how to use the WFT's properly. That'll be really interesting! Once I've got a handle on operating the sails,we'll head  out to the Great Barrier Reef for a well earned spot of fishing.
Any how that'll do 4 now.
Captain Felix

Monday 17 October 2011


G'day peoples far and wide, Sunday 16 October 2011 is a date that will go down in the history of Galleycat as a "MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH!"
Very early Sunday morn we cast off the shackles of land and set "sail" for Galleycat's first major ocean trial trip.The vessel has been to sea several times earlier but this trip was my first trial with all systems operational ie: sails, winches and motors.
The verdict, A RESOUNDING SUCCESS! a few minor issues but all in all a really great experience.
Matt,Mah and Myself headed out from Townsville harbour pointed the bow towards the open ocean and aimed towards Cape Clevland, 11nm from the harbour, all systems performed well and after an hour the Cape appeared in the misty conditions. We motored into a small bay just inside the Cape, while I stayed with the YOT, Matt and Mah headed ashore aboard the Kayak.Several photo's were snapped and after a climb up the mountain side they headed back to the Yot. We then had a quick swim to cool off before setting sail (all 3 white flappy things) around the Cape and further South to Salamander reef. Once there, we anchored the YOT and set about the task of catching dinner. Matt managed a small spangled emporer,just big enuf 4 a feed and not wanting to push our luck we headed back towards Townsville. Then the reason for 2 big donks(outboards) became apparent as the wind died completely, well not completely but close enuf 4 us to abandon sails and fire the donks.
We cruised home at a steady 7 knots with the motors on 3000 revs(half throttle) and arrived safely back at base just after dark.
All the operating systems performed well and unlike my last effort at a trial trip I only have a very short list of changes that need to be undertaken.A really fantastic prelude to what is now becoming a realizable dream.
This update is not complete by a long shot but I'm slowely trying to bring a new computer system up to speed and at this early stage basic internet connection is all I've been able to manage.
I  haven't been able to update since the eve of Bathurst (what a race!) as the old computer refuses to even start ! don't ever buy from MARINE PC. The new hp laptop will hopefully solve all the computer based issues I've been experiencing. It will just take a little time to work out the small things such as uploading photo's and playing music etc etc....
So I'll leave you with just this snippet of information (wkoa) and hope to update with pictures and a full run down off the past 2 weeks activities shortly.
Ciao 4 now
Captain Felix