Life in Yot-ville goes on!,
with lotz of progress and very little regress. (strangely)
Onwardz, 4 wards and towards the end goal, seems 2B the ethos of this week.
With huge progress on both the pontoon and Kitchen extensionz.
The week started with a simple stainless steel framework and finishes with a near complete hull and a kitchen insert base done!
Ken is the main reason for this progress and I cannot thank him enuf for his thyme, effort and wisdom!
Many in the yard don't realize that Ken is the glue that holdz this place together. Without his input King Richard would have no yard to come back to.
Itz saturday nite and we now have a fibreglass watertite hull! (the new bit only)
Itz taken much of kenz and my thyme to create this extension but it'll all B worth it the long run.
We began the week with a base frame and vague idea as2 just how we wood proceed.
Now if the godz are in our favour afta tonites high tide we should have a watertite extension that providez the necessary lift to the left rear quarter of the Yot. Finga's crosssed everybody!
The final shape has been altered "again" with a huge convex curve at the bottom and now an equal size concave curve forward and above.
Instead of what is shown in this mock up the side will now look radically different.
Between each layer we have to start from the front and sand the entire extension inside and out which creates much itchy stuff!
Late Saturday afternoon we even ventured and toyed with the idea of including a live holding well for crabs, crays and other seafood. If this idea gains momentum it will be fitted as we build the other hull. by that thyme we will know just how much buoyancy the new pontoons give.
It's the epoxy version of the fibreglass that gives the extension itz incredible strength but itz horrendously expensive and takes 12 hours to set. So I need to be careful that it doesn't go under water during itz cure thyme.
When I say expensive to give you an idea 20 litres of polyester costs around $120 while 20 litres of epoxy is closer to $700. So we use it very carefully.
Still if you need it you need it!
Friday has come and gone and this week the new convection oven got a workout. With 6 varieties of home made sausage rolls. Lamb mint and rosemary, chicken cheese and fresh asparagus, beef and bacon plus several otherz were consumed during the feast. In total 120 party sized rolls were eaten. Not a bad effort considering the state of the kitchen at the moment and I don't mean Qld.
State of Origin this week and I'm rediscovering my rugby passion.
I think!
Brother Andrew has forwarded this picture of a monster Giant Trevally, he tussled with the other day, Not bad a 85cm GT from shore on 15lb line.
A GT from the shore is an impressive capture at any thyme but to get this beast past the sharx on lite tackle is a gr8 achievement.
While my seafood capture this week is limited to a few mudcrabs from around the corner.
The new dinghy is definitely beginning to fit into my daily program with cast netting and mud crabbing back on my daily agenda.
Not that I'm grizzling as life is slowly returning to normal aboard Galleycat, with a roast lamb dinner the highlight of this weex culinary repertoire'.
The fog of depression is subsiding and life is becoming "Good" again. Itz really hard to describe the toll that the "fog" takes on your mind and body. But I've learnt there's only one person who can change things and that ball is in my handz.
So itz onwards and upwards towards a fantastic summer.
KENNY'S CANNON! with a little effort and a crane it'll be lifted onto his garage roof next week. Only it loox like it'll be mounted behind a door complete with frame, that can be opened via a remote rope/cable system.
Who says the tropics don't effect your mental state?
Life's GR8!
Thatz all from Galleycat this week!
Have fun, enjoy life, live long and prosper!
Captain Felix