G'day All,
Sorry 4 the delay in updates!
This time it was a computer glitch that waz responsilble rather than a "cyclone". It appears the laptop didn't handle the wet as well as the rest of us and the keyboard developed faults shortly after the last update.
So I've now sourced a replacement keyboard to be able to access the computer.
We have returned to Airlie, resupplied changed crew and headed out towards the Islands again.
The next foto shows the waterfalls that became last weex washing machine (not a bad laundry).
Plus an unexpected bonus more large oysters!
The computer was not the only electronic victim of this week with my digital camera also taking a permanent holiday. If a keyboard and camera are the only breakages after a class 2 cyclone then I figure Galleycat has earned the rite to be put into full use.
Lesson: keep electric stuff dry!
Torsten has recovered from
Galleycat is already building a following, with last nites farewell / welcome dinner having 8 people and continuing until 2am.
All the seafood was fresh caught by the various guests with three types of fish and lotz of squid.
We had portions of fish with lemon pepper grill plus the same fish with a chilli Cajun rub.
Fish and squid kebabs with lime and ginger marinade.
Thai fish cakes as well as sashimi and Charlotte our new visitor from France made a teriakyi dish as well.
It wasn't long B4 a guitar appeared and the back deck began to rock.
We woke just a "little" later than normal!!!!
After refuel and supply we ended up leaving around 3 in the arvo for a bay on South Molle Island.
An unexpected visit from my demon during the week had me making a late nite call for help. This has lead me to the realisation (wkoa) that its the people I meet and not the places I'm in, that make all the difference.
Obviously it helps to be saying this while parked on a Tropical Island in the middle of paradise but no matter where I am, I'm beginning to allow new people into my life.
OK, enuf heavy crap!
We had a feed of fresh fish and chips last nite that wood bee hard 2 beat.
(sorry to those trying to learn good English)
Fresh spangled emperor fillets (Torsten caught 2) were crumbed with just a hint of lemon, black pepper and garlic then hand made chips on the side.
This is this morning's "back yard" and the first foto to be downloaded from the new camera.
Big Ash is catching a heap of cray's and crabs at the moment while Mum and Dad's house is nearly painted.
A "HUGE" G'day to Miss Mermaid who seems 2B today's screensaver.
I've sent Amanda a text to let her know of her infamy.
I'm playing catch up with the Blog entries so I'll say farewell for this entry
Remember "Life is for living"
Captain Felix