Monday, 24 July 2023



G'day All!, 

                  Just a few mussels fresh from Cockburn sound and now residing in my mussel cage floating out the back. Itz gr8 to have fresh mussels whenever I want.

With the yot and myself in hibernation (wkoa) it iz now thyme to remove and upgrade the inside kitchen.

Step 1 letz remove and dismantle the old kitchen, B4 cutting up 2 sheets of 12mm plywood. Once the basic shape and size became apparent , mounting the new oven was also complete. Lotz of effort to make the new bench and cupboard look like the original unitz. And once finished (not Swedish) the unit matches pretty good.

The top waz upgraded after just one day with the 12 mm ply top looking cheap and dodgy. So I went to Bunnings to get a sheet of lamin8, to cover the ply, Long story short the laminate and trimz and glue waz about $200 while a proper benchtop was $150 so I ended up putting the laminate back and buying a 2100x900x35 top. Once cut and fit it loox gr8 but I also had enuf spare to cut 2 really nice chopping boards 1 for the yot and the other for Mum and Dadz place.

Once the sink cutout waz complete I set up the new mixer tap and all the plumbing, then it waz thyme for some timber trims and staining, as mentioned B4 I hate painting so I waz really glad when Emily (my current stowaway) volunteered to tackle this stage of the build. 2 coatz of stain / varnish and the unit iz nearly complete with just the power point and splashback 2 go.  
Enter the STORM... With winds that hit 140km per hour we got blasted BIG THYME, 3 solar panelz destroyed and WFT no1 (the genoa) iz torn and badly damaged. Once the winds abated I removed the one remaining solar panel and we set about removing WFT no1 Not so easy, twisted and knotted up shredz hang where the UV shading cloth used 2B. The leading edge of the sail iz torn in several places.
I now need to accelerate my plans to upgrade the solar capacity of the yot with 4 household solar panels ready to replace the 12v panels that were destroyed.

Special note! This lovely Pink Snapper fell in2 our laps the other day with a boat arriving at the ramp with one too many fish onboard so he donated it to the yot, Not bad a 3kg pinkie and we didn't even need to wet a line.