Wednesday, 22 August 2012


G'day All,
               "SUCCESSFUL" !!!
Describes my Birthday weekend in one word.
Not only did our initial trip to Cape Clevland  go well, but we also managed to set sail for destinations unknown for 3 days sailing.
Both Noah and myself are just recovering from sleep deprivation (wkoa) and alcohol "appreciation"(wkoa) sickness. A wonderful weekend 2B sure!
Saturday just B4 dawn we set off towards Cape Clevland in the dinghy with vague hopes of recovering the abandoned anchor and chain.
After a magnificent sunrise just as we rounded the Cape, the dawn revealed masses of fog streaming off the hills and out over Clevland Bay.
After half an hour of unsuccessful searching with the grapling hook, it was decided to dive to the bottom for a closer look. A couple of dives each B4 Noah spotted the lost Anchor not 5 meters from where the dinghy's anchor lay. It took a monumental effort to lift the 30kg anchor and then 40 meters of galv chain into the dinghy but we
We set off for the long trip back 2 Townsville,with plans to get Galleycat out 2 sea on the evening tide or at the very latest on the following mornings high.
An intense afternoon ! Noah arrived at the Yot around 4pm (as he'd been out for a Club Yacht Race.) We had the Yot ready with a little thyme 2 spare and set off just on dusk. Heading back towards Cape Clevland.
Despite our best intentions,

 So with much reluctance we fired the outboards and settled into a nightthyme cruise across the bay.
Arrival at the Cape was greeted with a serious need 4 sleep! So after a celebratory drink we "kipped down"  Until Sunday Morn.
After an early fishing and crabbing trip (unsuccessful), we headed back to Galleycat 4 a full cooked breakfast with all the trimmings.
The wind decided to pick up 2 around 10 knots, so we set the sails and pointed the Yot 2wards the open ocean.
"Whales, Dolphins and Telstra snakes."
Just some of the wildlife we came across during the mornings sail. Noah had the guitar out strumming a few tunes. While I set about preparing a dozen oysters kilpatrick for a late morning snack.
Then the wind "Died" again! So once again we fired the Yamaha's and turned the boat towards Magnetic Island. We arrived in the early afternoon after dodging more whales and container ships. Noah located a small bay that looked like a good place to anchor up 4 the nite.
Much merriment and consumption followed, we even managed to catch a fish or 2. Well I did ! Noah lost his. Then the rain arrived so we headed indoors to watch a video then crash, 4 sum well deserved shut eye.
Everything aboard worked really well ! My usual list of "things needing attention" was nearly nonexistent after a this three day trial trip.
Arriving back in the yard on the high tide just B4 noon on Monday we both needed some serious rest and re cooperation (wkoa) after what was a really successful test of the new console and steering set up.
I can now set about the task of making these upgrades permanent by glueing the various pieces of  console together before wiring the new switchboard and electrical system.
Itz a V8 weekend this week so I'm planning a quite one with just a few small tasks on my list.
Until the weekend,
That's it 4 now!
Captain Felix