As the title suggests itz THYME!
Brother Andrew haz been in surgery for 9 hours now, just a couple more 2 go. FINGA'S CROSSED....
There's simply nuthing any of us can do!
So we wait, call and try 2 keep ourselves busy.
I'll know the results 2nite and then itz a long recovery! With lotz of luck I'll be pulling Galleycat along side of Andrew's shark cat in the Gulf ready to catch a Barra or Coral Trout soon.
The blackboard has proved 2b really useful in planning the weex work.
I write it all on the board then "Totally Ignore it!"
The week started wiv the best intentions of completing the worklist but itz now Friday and not a single task haz been completed.
Lotz of uther stuff is underweigh but not what I set out 2 do!
Thatz OK! as life is what U make it, and somethymes you can plan it out perfectly and it doesn't work out quite how you planned. I've learn't 2 lose the negativez and just simply enjoy the journey.
This week has put that theory to the test "BIG THYME!"
On the brite side the new bean bag now fitz itz storage spot (I only had 2 remove about 60 litrez of beanz) now when the new fridge's R built the beanbag will fit over the top as a lounge corner.(during sailing)
4 spending lotz of thyme in, while sailing during the nite and checking the course, keeping watch out the front of the Yot.
Verree comfortable indeed!
I feel I'll B spending lotz of thyme on this new addition to the Yot.
As I said B4 the planz for this week have gone astray a bit. As the rear dek is now empty!
No Kitchen, No couch, No nuthin!
Itz now been sanded and prepared for final painting and anti skid coating.
This will all happen on Monday or Tuesday next week (if planz R anything 2 go by)
Itz a strange feeling 2 step outside now onto a VERY empty clear deck.
Ballroom Dancing anyone? BYOB!
However with Sanding comes THE DUST!
Itz everwhere! Again.
Lunch was B.B.Q'd fillet steak burgers which were received really well by the crowd of 12. All of which except Ken were unaware of the significance of todays' operation on the other side of Australia.
Itz Kenz wedding anniversary and birthday on Monday so I'm not sure just how much painting we'll get done!
Congrats Ken! Hard work really should B rewarded with a trip 2 THE REEF 2 catch big coral trout and sweetlip 4 your beloved!
The rear deck work is all in final preparation (wkoa) 4 a big trip 2 The Whitsundays during the next few months. There are SO many destinations around here 2 C but I've suggested 2 Amanda (Mermaid) that The Whitsundays and surrounding sections of THE GR8 BARRIER REEF are probably the best place 2 spend a month or 2 cruising during the hot weather of the coming few months. She may yet decide that Fraser Island, Gold coast or Rainbow beach R more suitable or perhaps The Hinchenbrook channel. Who knows?
All will depend on what happens on the other side of the country and if the sun, starz and moon all align 2 make things come 2gether.
Till then I'll keep workin 2wards the goal of spending thyme catching quality fish on the reef with good friends and family.
So till I know more, thatz it 4 now from dusty Qld.
Captain felix
P.S. 1am Saturday : Andrew's come through the operation successfully and has been moved to ICU, the family have breathed a collective sigh of relief. Well done to the surgical team and nursing staff. Looks like my fishing trip to Groote Island is back on!