Friday, 20 January 2017


 I'm back on the yot and Brother Andrews summary of the state of the Yot iz the closest so far.
Oil, Mud, Debris and even poisonous jelly fish made the return journey heart breaking.
4 litres of oil iz now spread across all muddy surfaces making clean up very tricky indeed.
Andrew and Chris will be off Island by Wednesday this week so I need to be back aboard full thyme by Tuesday nite.
The engines, rudders, refrigeration, power tools and sewing machine are destroyed.
We might be able to get the motors going soon but the Stb hull is to damaged to be used.
Bilge pumps are keeping the leaks at bay but I knead to get the Yot parked on the beach sooner rather than later.
Gove (top corner of Australia) soundz like the goal at this stage with limited marine repair facilities. Versus the Crocs, Box jelly fish and mud that is Groote Island currently.. These exist at Gove 2  but much bigger tides at Gove mean I can safely beach the Yot there, and stay clear of these killerz.
The rudders are once again high on the repair list as both are sheared at the top where they are supposed to give way, however it loox like the repairs made to the hull are now damaged badly enuf 4 the hull to leak water slowly.
All 3 fridges are ruined with the spanish mackerel in the freezer leaving a "smell that'll outlast religion" to quote Kenny.
The icebox haz lost itz lid 2, which meanz I'll need to borrow one from Chris or Andrew to be able to keep drinx and food aboard. With Daythyme temps around the 35 degree mark and oppresive humidity work is very slow and lots of cold drinks and showerz are a must.
Each afternoon seez the sky'z darken and another tropical storm rolls in, it remindz me of the thyme I spent in Paraburdoo.
All fuel tanx are contaminated with salt water adding to the motor issues.
All the bedding iz mouldy and any surface not covered with mud and oil iz dotted, now covered with mould.
There iz a reason you head South during the WET...
The boat will need 2B towed to Darwin for repairz.
My old mate from Geraldton Louie Kanikoski runs Bhagwan Marine Services and they have a boat that is leaving Weipa in 2 weeks bound for Darwin. At this stage it loox like they'll get the job of towing the Yot to Darwin for repairs.
The hardest thing to come to grips with iz the loss of all my history in photo form Cameron and fishing photos were destroyed along with everything I had from Nanna (mumz mum).
I have managed to cook a meal and will hopefully have a working shower in the next day or so. The Dunny is still a bucket in the corner...
4 dayz into the cleanup, and I've made very little inroads into the mess. The shower iz working again (yippee) but the Yot needz 2B emptied and professionally scrubbed clean then repainted and re carpeted inside.
Once I've got somewhere to put all the "stuff" it'll be easier to clean each cabin area.
I've got the yot back to being safe now itz thyme to find the house under the mess. I'll spend the next few days stripping all the kitchen and rear deck of anything not bolted down.
I'm basically preparing the yot to handle a severe tropical storm without motors or rudders. Scary!
The pergola roof iz loose so I've braced it with some solid timber.
If I prep the Yot now I won't have to do it in a rush later on.

Sunday, 15 January 2017



G'day All,
                 With last weex disater back in Yot land i took sum thyme out to re visit the Swan River.
Kind of a "get back to grass roote fishing"!
Well to say the trip waz a suxcess wood B an understatemint!
We bagged out in 6 pullz of our traps. Itz alwayz a good syne when the first pot you pull haz a good sized crab. Back home in a couple of hourz with the gear cleaned and packed, boat washed and stored and a brace of cooked blue manna'z on the table.
Life can be so aweful sumthymez!
My priority task while I'm here, waz 2 tile Mumz Alfresco area.
Task complete!
I got the job finished with a little help from Hanni, turnz out he waz in Perth also while we didn't get to fish we managed a few hours together pouring black grout into the freshly layed tilez.Black grout on green tilez.
A prick of a job but infin8ly worth it when the final resultz are released to scrutiny. Yes I know my spelling sux but I also know, itz on porpose (little dolfin) to amuse my Mum who being a teacher will notice every grammatical error.
It iz in truth that I wouldn't be here without Mum! A truly obvious statement.
I must now return to the Yot and organise the repairs. It seems the boat is damaged so that the only way to sort it iz if I fly back to Groote and sort the repairs.
The Yot will probably need 2B towed to Darwin or Gove as both rudderz are damaged (no steering) and 1 motor has been under water.
Still I won't know just how much damage haz occurred until I can get back to the yot.
Once repairs are underway I'll return to Perth to help look after Mum.

OH MR HART! What a mess!....