As you can C Galleycat iz now parked just inside the Annan river mouth.
My desire to distance the Yot as far from the town itself saw us parked on this massive sand flat for the last few days while we finalized last minute tasks.
Now we are just South of Cooktown in the Estuary system that iz the Annan river. ie Mudcrbs
We don't need 2B back in Cooktown until the weekendz farmers market, this also happens 2B V8's Sandown 500 weekend. Damn!
yxcn `SUPPLIES |
The market will be used to get our fruit and vege stocks for the next month, as we are about to enter a stretch of coastline that has zero facilities or settlmentz . There is now only a general store at Lockhart River between us and Cape York.
The most obvious resupply needed waz fishing tackle.
So I partook in sum retail therapy the other day, replacing lost lures, damaged crab pots and missing hooks and sinkers.
This tackle was put into action straight away with my induction into flat water soft plastic fishing, resulting in this gr8 flathead on the second and last cast of the day.
My work was done in just 3 minutes.
The 500mm flathead took a 100mm bloodworm wriggler and was teamed with 3 fresh mudcrabz to produce a locally caught seafood lunch.
Our fresh bread making is now in full swing with a loaf or Turkish flatbread made nearly everyday. While the gardens are giving plenty of fresh greenz and herbz.
The shopping is far more basics oriented now with large quantities of flour, sugar, oils replacing what would normally be manufactured goodz.
We spent 3 days crabbing and fishing in Annan B4 heading bak 2 Cooktown on Friday nite.
Itz taken these few dayz 4 me to realise just how under-prepared I really am.
Our weld on the Port rudder needs to be ground away and the rudder aligned properly with the stb then rewelded. As it is at the moment we have 5% port steering and 95% starboard.
This is just one of many small issuez that dominated our thyme in Annan.
The Stb Yamaha motor also decided to go on holiday with a blocked primary jet in the carby.
So basically I had no rudders and only a single motor to both push and steer the Yot. Do-able but extremely difficult and dangerous.
So what was 2B an easy weekend of markets and V8's has turned into a much bigger list of items kneading attention.
The wind iz now a constant 18-20 knotz meaning itz going 2B difficult to run the still but we'll have 2 park the yot in the far corner of the harbour for shelter.
The V8's are over and Galleycat haz left Cooktown behind. Itz now obvious that itz the land that triggers my downward spirals, with Cooktown joining the list of locationz visited but welcomely left behind through know fault of the Town itself.
So once again I've pointed the Yot North 2 continue the journey.
Captain Felix