G'day All,
Finally got the camera to talk to the computer (well sort of ) !
So with this new tool at my disposal I recorded this sunset.
As the title suggests we headed out for a leisurely trout fish.
Only we do it slightly different to the Kiwi's and Tassie folk.
We troll in very specific patterns with a good spread of lurez. Quiet fishing you'd think, Not on Groote!
The trout were coming over the side constantly. We only needed a few so most of the catch went straight back to the reefy patch they came from.
There waz absolute chaos as my lure got grabbed and disappeared in the other direction, after a short tussel a really nice Spanish Mack in just 2 meters of water and right in the bottom end of a massive bay area. Damn!
This means we already have fish sorted for xmas when Mum and Dad are due.
Taylor is now sending the 2 capacitors by express post.
I've ordered the new temperature sender so finga'z crossed I should have Air con by Friday but I wont be getting to excited until it actually worx.
We are making use of the off swing shift for Andrew, Chris and Blackout, to do a few more of the tasks on the list. Construction haz begun on the new fishing bench out in the rear left corner of the main deck.
I've managed to rig the hammock out on the rear deck which is gr8 for a midday nap when itz 2 hot inside.
We now have stepz half way up the mast to the cross tree (T shaped bit half way up a mast)
We recently had a visit by one of the 2 small female crocs. Big Cory (4m male) hasn't been seen for a while but this one wasn't even slightly wary of approaching the rear of the Yot.