Galleycat iz finally ready to head North.
Ally and Tarshe (dog) have joined Honey and myself 4 the trip.
Ally arrived Friday evening with binie(Jeff) and Tarshe ready to head up river in the colander however the dinghy motor decided to go on strike.
John and Jason helped out with a replacement tender and Jason rebuilt the electric motor from my tender.
3 burnt out windings and a gearbox full of water.
All fixed thanx heapz Jas!
The task of finding Galleycat hidden under the shell of Nightmoves iz nearly complete.
We chose Sunday morning as the ideal thyme 2 remove the rear deck window ready 2cre8 my new "pass through" between the inside and outside of the yot.
The outside kitchen iz now fully funksional!
Having the pass through finished meanz the dishes can need B placed inside or food can bee transfered outside.
The tempered glass shattered in2 thousandz of shardz all over the rear deck and Tarshe,
Then the task of clean up began 2 hours and 1 hot vacumn cleaner later and another job iz complete.
The yot iz 95% ready to head towards Low island on the first leg of our journey to Groote.
After a few days of re supply we have finally left Cairns aiming 4 Port Douglas. Once there we have sourced a replacement minn kota motor for the colander.
The transformation (wkoa) of the rear deck and kitchen area iz already proving very practical and funktional.
We've now left Port Douglas heading towards Osterland Reef on the Gr8 barrier. We'll camp overnite then head towardz Low Wooded Isle and a feed of Mudcrabs.
We will also stop off at Cape Bedford for a feed of oysters.
3 dayz sheltered behind Cape Bedford as a low pressure system gave us 30 knotz of breeze relentlessly.
There is a gradual reduction in the ever present gales so we are heading to Low wooded Isles where we'll shelter again but at least we can fish and tangle with a few jumbo mudcrabz.
Possible change of planz withh Ally deciding itz to ruff for here to continue with the journey so we'll head back to Cooktown so she can get a ride home.
The constant 25 knot wind meanz we have a 14 mile slog straight back into the swell and waves.
Safe in Cooktown!
Itz like de javu all over again.
I didn't realize that it had been so long but the pharmasist made note of the time difference.
We are tied up in Cooktown for the next 4 or 5 dayz until ally'z ride arrives.