G'day All,
Thyme for the work 2 begin with the new pergola taking shape.
There waz however thyme for one quick fishing trip to my old West Coast Angling spotz out the back of Rotto, with a perfect night of flat calm water and no breeze at all.
Big Ash and I completed a few jobs around the house B4 hooking up the boat and setting off to Woodmans point ramp just az the sun was setting.
A lightning fast trip had us in 195 meters but no joy as the current waz 2 strong even with 4lb's of lead.
Back into 110 meters and BINGO the snapper came to play.
Quality fillets and we bagged out in no time at all.
Back into the ramp job well done!
Now itz thyme to put the fishing rodz away and get back to the yot and the huge task of building the new pergola. Lotz of plans in my head it'll be a miracle if it all comes together like itz supposed to.
Kyron (welder/engineer) and Brad (fridgy) showed up just after lunch and it was straight into it with planks and clamps coming together to build the first of 5 hoops that'll form the pergola legs.
The legs are now all in place with 3 verticle support legs fitted to the centre line of the pergola. These will carry not only the flex in the roof structure but also carry all the necessary wiring from the front to the rear of the new area's.
The on site welding iz progressing well with enuf material to complete the task now assured. Nearly $2000 worth of aluminium haz arrived 4 the job Thanx again Dad.
The next task iz 2 weld in the 9 handrails that'll lock the whole structure together. Once the handrails are secured the solar panels and planx can be bolted into place.
The arrival of a few dayz of 30 knot winds haz put the welding on the to do later list. That said it still didn't stop me having a go at welding the step ladder for the new deck. " I stuffed it up completely!"
The task of learning to weld aluminium iz going well with Kyron showing me how to improve my technique. Once again it waz Dad who purchased a new mig welder just for the task at hand. This will mean from now on I know how to use our own welder to do these jobz and 4 maintenance of the 13 tonnes of aluminium I call home
So on to job number two, fit the new zinc anodes to the hull of the yot, These zinc blocks are designed to corrode and protect the running gear (propellers, rudders and shafts).
Itz also thyme to prep the lower half of the hullz for antifouling. But the actual painting needs to be done just B4 the yot goes back in2 the water. This involves setting the new waterline then sanding down any white paint below the line, this allows the antifoul to stick much better.
The new pergola haz changed the visual lines of the yot with the hulls more resembling a motor sailer rather than a yot. Still it'll open up so much more room with the extra deck to have a table and just a few beanbags and hammocks for those extra calm nights.