Still no photo's but the problem iz short lived as the new camera haz finally arrived.
Now all I need is 2 get the camera to talk to the computa.
"problem solved"
Soundz easy but not in the Tropical North where the plugs on the side of the computer are all corroded.
And too rub salt into the wound the new computer doesn't load hard drives 4 sum weird reason.
Basically itz a trying period with all number of small problems made more so with the daythyme temps and humidity in an all out race 2 see which can B higher before 8 am.
Itz only the daily 3 pm storm that
We did a trip back to mainland Australia this week to collect Blackout and a buffalo.
We found Blackout but no Buffalo alas it'll have to wait for another week.
A 90 mile round trip that Andrew and I enjoyed with a night fishing on Alangna shoal in the absolute middle of BF nowhere 25 miles from Groote and 22 miles from Numbawar settlement where we met Blackout.
Lotz of fish but all small and a steady parade of 7ft lemon sharks (or maybe it waz the same one)
The Stb tank had 5 litres of water and 3 litres of brown goo that we removed from the tanx be4 new fuel and filters were fitted.
The Port tank was only a minor amount of weed build up but no water.
This trip to Numbawar gave the whole system a good run and to also helped calculate fuel consumption rates while towing a tender. Ruffly 50 litres for 100 nm nice and easy 2 calcul8.
Chris iz in Darwin kompleteing hiz final exams that make him a qualified electrician. Once he getz back itz anybodies guess as 2 how long it iz b4 the powers send him on hiz way.
The yot iz alot closer 2 being ready with no generator still being the biggest issue!
The whole thing is consuming way 2 much thyme!
Still one must slow down and just look at the sunsetz, The sunsets here, while itz this tropical are amazing! I hope to have photo's soon as.
I have a neighbour at the moment and it turnz out he's a repeat traveller as I'd already met him in Townsville and the Whitsundays, Troy and Pasquale aboard the monohull MIROOL.
He iz on his way back from the Ningaloo and Kimberly region after travelling across the bottom of this gigantic island. Australia.
A big g'day to KC in Darwin, See you soon.Maybe sooner rather than later.
Finally sum major headway with the Genset!
Taylor from Sealink Ferries was on the Eylandt to fix the ferry, and managed to visit the Yot B4 he went back to Darwin.