When Last I waz here I told a tale of shelter and strong breeze!
That tale continues with a constant 25 knots for the upcoming week as well as the one just past.
Still we visited Double Island as planned, as well as Yorkies Knob and Half Moon River.
The windz have finished the once proud pirate flag meaning a quest ashore 2 find a suitable replacement.
With that being as good a reason as any! We left Yorkies behind us and set off 4 Cairns once again.
He can't grumble 2 much though he's been pretty busy over the last week catching a few Mudcrabs and refereeing a "Jerry Springer " style blue between a couple who came out for a simple night thyme fish.
Not a bad week considering itz just Monday!
The rest of the country has a day off to celebrate
Queenz Birthday: Bohemian Rhapsody rocks!
We might take the day off as well!
We have found a temporary refuge in the mangroves directly opposite the marina.
No rolling wash from the ferries and strong tidal currents to drag the pick.
With any luck we might even be able to pull a few Barra or Mangrove jack from our parking spot.
With the wet weather comes the inevitable death
of electronics. My recently acquired camera has followed in the path of itz predecessor and chosen 2 die, shortly followed by the outdoor tv beginning itz own death spiral as one by one itz features stop working.
Sound iz the latest victim along with the onboard dvd player starting itzself randomly.
With the demise of these 2 gizmo's comes the arrival of a "new toy".
Hanni left the Yot a few months ago and set about finding a suitable camera drone to improve the photoghraphy and video images we collect.
The drone landed aboard yesterday and will be test flown under cover on the rear deck 2day.
The drone basically self corrects itself with adjustable trims until itz controls give safe level flight
The whole unit ways a staggering 320 grams and will give us images from up to 150 meterz high or wide from the controller.
I can't wait for the next customz fly over.
The die has been cast and the votes are in! (Jakes' as well)
Itz thyme to leave Cairns behind and head towards Port Douglas. With the prospect of Gr8 reef weather on the horizon we are heading North. a massive jump of 60 miles.
Sitting in a wind swept rain soaked mangrove while appealing!, doesn't cut it when we look at Google Earth and spot the delights that surround Port Douglas.
The Gr8 Barrier Reef is even closer, Low Isles just out the front, Daintree River winds itz way inland towards the Rainforest So we'll collect fresh fruit and vege from the markets tomorrow and set sail.
A simple trip 2 the marketz has resulted in a failure of the outboard on the tinny!
Closer inspection showz the "pinion and forward gear" on the gearbox has destroyed itself...
With the spare part only available in Japan, My planz to head North R now on hold until the end of next week.
BUGGER! Loox like plans will change again, perhaps Arlington Reef or either of the 2 Sand Cays nearby.
Captain Felix