Tuesday, 30 December 2014


 G'day All!,
                  I've been just a little busy during the past few weex but I'm finally able 2 update the fotoz of Galleycat.
As U can sea my home is now a shade of monochrome! Tomorrow the task of sanding and filling begins "again" with the final coat of gloss paint due 2 go on in the first few days of the New Year.
As usual itz all thanx to Ken's effortz! also King Richard who's financing the re-paint.
Even with the stifling temperature and humidity at the moment Ken came in from his Xmas break to spray the first primer coat.
The Yot is on the slip until the 2nd or 3rd with the topcoat and decks still needing to be painted, there wont B 2 much New Year cheer but the results are already visible with sunglasses needed if you venture out on the front during daylight hours.
I'm Xtremely anxious to get all the bits bolted back on and head away from the shore for some Great Barrier style temperature relief.
Javier (my Spanish guest is keen to catch a fish as well).
The list of jobs to do is nearly finished and once the paint goes on it'll be a rush to attach the safety rails and front deck. Only then can I point the Yot towards the open sea.
The new hydraulic ram is now fitted and ready while the docking upgrades are nearly complete.
The damaged keel haz also been repaired, plus the problematic rudder supportz have been strengthened and improved.
As you can tell we've been a little busy and are in defin8 need of a break.
The final sanding and filling iz now complete and the Yot is ready 2 receive her coat of shiny white paint
The weather haz done a complete backflip and now itz the driving monsoonal rain thatz governing our available work thyme.
Yesterday waz a complete write off with deluge levels of water keeping the yot saturated.
On the brite side the new rear blinds are working really well!
My bed area stayed completely dry during the tropical storm, I'm thinking our first cyclone can't B 2 far away with the heat,humidity and now afternoon storms all supplying the perfect conditionz for my favorite form of weather.
Miss Amanda made contact during the Xmas new year period, twas gr8 to hear from her again. While Brother Andrew is catching all sortz of sea creatures with fotografic proof to back up his wild stories.
The rainy days have allowed me thyme to complete a few of the internal tasks like finishing the wiring of the new solar panel regulators.
I'm still at a loss as to how to rebuild the downstairs kitchen to allow for improved dry good storage but I'm sure the answer will present itself soon.
The new fridges are in a word "Brilliant" I've improved on their performance with new internal covers over each section so when the lid is opened I only open the section I knead,
The transformation(wkoa) is nearly complete and the difference is amazing!
With the deck paint and grip now complete the Yot is like a brand new boat.
We managed to get a few dry periods between the downpours today so  Ken and I worked the periods to complete the fore-dek. Itz ready to have the front mesh dekz refitted.
As you can see from the fotoz, the hand rails have already been re- attached.
As usual the Yot has fought us the whole way with front support bolts snapping when we bolted the main triangle support beam on.
The 30 year old stainless bolts didn't like being re-tensioned, still itz far betta 4 this to happen now rather than when I'm 200 miles North.
Javier has discovered a passion 4 sailing since living aboard and is now heading 2wards The Whitsundays to learn what I already know, they R rather special.
He haz managed to get a couple of trips out from here on the Weekend sailing boats.
Unfortunately my demon haz reared itz ugly head again. There seems no rhyme or reason as to why this haz happened, Everything is going well and I'm progressing well on my plan but still like a freight train I'm slammed with  uncertainty and debilitating oppression.
The doc's have me swallowing this chemical cocktail in an effort 2 keep the demon away and for the most part it worx but every now and then it returns.
The one advantage is at least now I recognize the signs and can respect it 4 what it is.
this doesn't change the fact that any drive stops dead and the concept of getting out of bed or even eating suddenly seems 2 hard.
I'm filled with intense anger and I don't  know why! So I stay kleer of people and general life as an attempt not to be provoked or lash out for no logical reason.
I'm sure like the last few thymes this 2 will pass and life will be good again.
I'm pushing to get the Yot ready 4 sea today in an effort to distance myself from people in general.
Unfortunately the laptop aboard haz become a victim of the heat and humidity and died a peaceful death.
So until a new unit can B sourced I'm limited to updates from the internet cafe.
All will be restored soon!
