Sunday, 28 March 2021



G'day All,

                 While there iz much progress on the yot there'z also thyme to get amongst them again.

Another trip out to 35 meters off Ocean Reef same result we bagged out B4 noon with a nice dhu plus a good size baldie made for the bulk of the catch, but the sub list iz impressive= we caught squid, cuttlefish, octopus, whiting wrasse and a king george whiting 2 boot. That waz just the small line we caught 2 rays 1 shark plus several undersize dhu's and baldchin on the big lines.

But once the wind arrived the bite stopped so we headed home with our bag limit of quality fishes again.

Now itz thyme 2 get back to the yot and finish this damn pergola. The hoops are all fitted as are the solar panels plus the ladder iz also complete. The welding haz been interesting with kyron bringing in a TIG welder to do the ladder which iz only 0.8 mm thick thatz why I had so much trouble with the ladder as I had the machine set for 2 mm no wonder I burnt right through it.
In my effortz to make the pergola as light as possible 120 kg so far, I've overestimated the structural strength of the whole structure, the best way to describe  the issue would be that of a "daddy long legs spider" all the weight iz up high and the legz are too week to support the structure.
Lotz of advice from many sources, it going 2 be a culmination of all these suggestions that solves the problem. Triangle bracing iz the answer but every other addition helpz with the strength.
The biggest of these iz 2 diagonal supportz bolted to the mast, locking the whole pergola at the front.

The best cure 4 any problem iz to forget about it for a while and go fishing to clear the mind.
Back to Ocean Reef and another trip chasing dhufish, however I also managed a crabbing trip with ash.
This thyme we headed for Wanboro  sound at Port Kennedy. Hard work to get a feed but we still got 13 good bluez. Then it waz back to Mumz place to be ready for a 5am start to Ocean Reef.
We did get a dhuie but it waz the smallest I've ever see at about 20 cm's.
With no joy on the dhuz we changed tacktics and chased big snapper.
Better luck here with this nice 7 kg monster being our trophy fish.
God they pull hard in the shallow waterz.
A couple of good sized baldies filled up our bag limit again so it was 28 knots back to shore and back to the main task at hand and thatz 2 finish this pergola and get the yot back in2 the water.
The fishing tripz had their desired effect with the answer to the stability of the pergola solving itself.
The answer waz staring me right in the face, in the kitchen iz the dinghy lifting frame that needed 2B strengthened last year.
By doubling up on the legs then welding cross braces we quadruple the strength of the verticles.
More 2 follow...