Firstly a big THANX to all the family and friends who have supported me through these past few weeks. Many offers of support and help have flooded in, at times more than I could handle and this lead to a period of withdrawal and isolation.
I am by no means fixed or even close to returning to a sense of normality but I must begin the road back and to do this I need to resume the lines of communication and start rebuilding myself.
I wont go into the details but suffice to say that steps are being taken to prevent this from reoccurring again.
Baby steps at this stage and part of that is to update the Blog again.
As you can see the work on the second hull has begun with the stainless steel framework now complete.
As with the hull removal what took three days on the first hull took just 4 hours this thyme.
fitting together like leggo. Having the other side available to take measurements and several hundred photo's is proving a major help.
We will begin the huge task of fibreglassing the exterior next week, and fingers crossed this should be largely complete by next weekend.
Life has had to slow down lotz during the last month with very little being achieved and at thymes nothing at all, now slowly that will change. Only this thyme without the pressure each task is to be enjoyed and accepted for what it is instead of being seen as a chore.
The front windows on the lower cabin roof have been removed and replaced with solid Nema board, it was these windows that created the wood rot issue that sparked my spiral.
Food is also slowly being reintroduced instead of opening a can of corn or pickles I've begun to cook meals again.
With 6 types of sausage as well as heaps of trimmings only NO sauerkraut.
Last Friday was Italian Gnocchi with two different styles of sauce. A creamy tomato and basil plus a carbonara.
Tonight's challenge is to make my own coconut cream for a fish curry. I've now been shown how to shell the green hull of the coconut using a machete. Thanks again Ken.
My life goals for the next few weeks are much simpler- enjoy each day as it comes regardless of the obstacles encountered.
My Birthday came and went during the past month along with that of Big Ash who's Birthday is the next day. Ash has taken the family to Bali to celebrate.
Thanxs Brother Mark who provided a special Highlite during my dark thyme He asked what I needed My answer was nothing?
He insisted, I said Ok, just a lite fishing rod, to replace 1 broken recently. Not 1 rod arrived but a tube full of 4 rods, average 5-8 kg spin tackle rods. This arrived during a very deep thyme and I didn't actually open the tube until the other day. Wholly crap!
Life is no longer simple and small thingz need to make a big difference a few fishing rods can mean so much.
Captain Felix