Friday, 8 July 2016


Left or Right?

 G'day All,
                   Life is returning to some kind of normality. What haz been a period of turmoil and unrest is slowly beginning to clear and lifes' beginning to flow.
Repairs are nearly complete with the Post Office on Thursday Island about to be beseiged with parts courtesy of ebay.
I need to order the fibreglass materials then find a suitable bay to park the yot while I repair both damaged hulls.This is a major job that'll require the yot 2B aground for 3 or 4 days. I might even park up for a full tide cycle.
Lots of islands and beaches come to mind but no decisions made.
Lolla (Italy) has left the Yot today on her trek South after staying aboard for just over a month, through some very trying conditions including our big Gulf rescue.
We have worked our way through a few of the islands here in an effort to see the good side of sailing rather than the 5% sheer terror we experience on the crossing.
I'm kind of surprised just how busy the Cape is!, HUGE campgrounds are full of 4 wheel drives with pop up camper trailerz.
And there are at least 3 of these mini suburbs I've found so far.
I'm guessing Somerset Beach will be another. Tis interesting to see how others "Do the Cape".
Lolla haz managed to pretty much exist on fresh fish, soy milk and coconut with her biggest fish ending up a spanish mackerel slightly smaller than herself but still a good effort.
Our onboard "dreamcatcher" has under gone a transformation (wkoa) and become more a catcher of fish than dreams. Itz actually a really good place to dry the repainted lurez.
These tides are going to take some learning as trying to go against the flow iz an exercise in fuel consuming futility.
Negative speeds are interesting! Steaming in one direction and actually travelling the opposite.
This coming week will be spent beside  Thursday Island.
Seisia has no phone signal which can be really frustrating when your trying to organise parts and repairs.
With the arrival of Friday I've exhausted the Post Office for this week, so find myself once more pointing the Yot 2wards Seisia.
A late flurry of activity on the gumtree add see's me meeting up with an Aussie couple tomorrow.
They are up here already but only 2 wheel drive capable.
This should allow for a weekend touring around Cape York and Somerset beaches.Perhaps York Island and the reef.
Who knowz!
Captain Felix