Wednesday, 10 July 2019


G'day All,
                 Still no photo's but itz a thyme of much turmoil  aboard the Yot.
After 2 weex on Cable Beach I'm now on the slipway, with the yot being lifted by a 200 tonne crane onto the gravel.
First shock, the yot weighs in at a massive 12.2 tonnes against the 7 tonnes previously thought.
Jim the engineer has spent many hourz removing the port side propellor, shaft, coupling and seal plus the bearings. All these need complete overhaul or replacement.
                Itz now a bun fight with the insurance company to get the repairs and liftout covered by Club Marine this iz needed as just the crane costs $5500 and the repairs need the shaft to go to Perth which won't be cheep! All these items were repaired or replaced in Darwin and now need attention again. Frustrating!
               Being on the slipway generates a $120 per day bill but at least the yot'z not trying to sink anymore, we found the leak with the PSS Seal being split and totally Fkkked. This means the seal on the opposite side of the yot needz 2B replaced also, as things happen in pairs when your on a catamaran.
Just 2 make life more interesting the yot haz just survived her first "Earthquake", coming in at 6.6 on the richter scale. the force of the quake shook the yot so violently that standing waz difficult and I was sure the yot would fall off the concrete blocks that support the hulls.
The shaking lasted for more than 1 minute with large quantities of goods falling off the benches and shelving. Finally the world stopped moving and I was able to climb down from the boat, no damage!
Lots of after shocks have followed, with one big one on Saturday morning reaching 4.1 on the scale, these keep you wondering if a bigger one is still coming.
           We have now removed both sides of the drive train with the Stb rudder, prop and shaft coming out on Monday morning. The seal on this side will be replaced and the motor and shaft needing re-alignment.
Broome continues to throw up unique situations (wkoa) with me waking on Saturday morning to find the yot blanketed in a thick fog,so thick I couldn't see the bow (front) of the yot. Fog like this is not uncommon but the real surprise waz the fog returned thicker than ever at about 3pm.This turned 2 night as the yot once again disappeared around me. The temperature dropped 15 degrees in just a few minutes and the world around the yot faded into the mist. According to Willy weather this happens 22 dayz each year on average but itz still unnerving.