Rock Art |
WOW! What an Xperience!
Huge sea's, Constant gale force winds and just a few prehistoric creatures.
Everyone is in good spirits and the Yot has passed this trial with flying colors.
We will make Australian landfall today when we arrive at Lockhart to re-supply and check out a car race on the telly at Ranger Gary's place!
The islands and coastline along the way are so radically different from what I know of the NW coastline. Volcanic rock features and true tropical islands have sheltered us from the nearly gale force breezez that have severely limited our "reef thyme".
Crocodiles and sharks are the norm now with swimming limited to clear water beach and reef diving only. Even then a constant vigil must be kept less we become part of the food chain.
We are "surviving" on a diet of oysterz, fresh fish, coconutz and many of Destiny's vegan cre8ionz.
The fish is of course our main stay ingredient with sashimi and sushi a common delight.
Our oyster stockz are holding really well with a constant water change giving us huge rock oysters whenever we desire.
Both Gus and Destiny have taken to monitoring the trolled lines with the occasional chaotic session giving multiple hook upz.
Lockhart is a "dry" community with alcohol outlawed here. Wasn't that call proabition?
This should be an interesting experience for both Gus and Myself while Destiny chooses not to poison her system with such demonic desires.
Itz been really good having someone else doing the cooking for a change with Destiny being like a sponge, absorbing all the tips and advice along the way.
As per normal our reconnection with society has brought news thatz turned my world upside down. This will take some thyme 2 process so forgive the break for the next few days. There are some things we just can't fix!
Bathurst iz over 4 another year with a gr8 race and good people 2 share it with.
We now set about the next major leg of this journey that will C us arrive at Seisia/ Bamaga just around the tip of this massive Island.
There is a defin8 desire to at least site Papua New Guinea which is so close you could touch it with a dinghy trip.
We have been informed of a local "secret spot" called Cape Grenville! Never heard of or planned but it loox like paradise on google earth.
So tomorrow we will re-supply what little produce we can from Lockhart and help Gary put up a fence then we set sail again for Cape Grenville and a week of R&R.
This is possibly the best crew I've had on my journey so far and the chance to spend thyme on remote beaches and tropical Islandz iz 2 good to pass up!
We will once again disappear from the worldz radar and this iz not a bad thing.
Good luck 2 all and we will make contact again once we've passed Cape York and made landfall at Bamaga.
Then we'll reset the compass in search of the final destination(wkoa) Groote Eylandt.
Our family is rallying behind one and other with some tough thymes ahead. Here'z hoping for some good news when next we make contact.
Thatz the picture so far...
Captain Felix