Sunday, 11 July 2021



G'day All, 

                  Itz strange I've gone from not much 2 report too "What a fortnight" The biggest item was an unexpected 2 mile journey to Kwinana Beach. The mooring in mangles bay became "chaffed" and broke allowing the yot to drift 2 miles up the coast and park itself quite nicely on the sandy beach. Getting the yot off the beach was a whole nutha thing with an excavator and cray boat being bought in to first dig the yot out then tow the yot from the beach.

It wasn't until the guy on the excavator started pushing from the Bow (front) that the yot began to refloat on the high tide, then the crayboat just winched us out into deeper waters. A quick dive to check propellors and rudders then I started the engines and drove back to the damaged mooring, 2 new ropes and we are ready to sit out the next storm front which will last 3 dayz this thyme. Perth haz been buffeted by strong Northerly storms for the last 10 days "most unusual" as most our weather comes from the South West which gives Mangles Bay plenty of shelter.                               Nice new bbq

On the fishing front I've done another trip with Cameron, Plus Hanni and the boys came for a trip then one more trip with Ash to the back of rotto to collect snapper. 

No snapper in the sound as Cameron and I found out with a trip to the legendary D9 wreck. NO  snapper not even a ray or a shark bite all night. We let our livebaits go in the morning. Still we did manage a few herrings and just a few catch up stories. This waz a nice coronation trout that got on the menu during Hanni's trip.

The new pergola area works a treat with most visitorz heading up without encouragement 

As you can see my trip with Ash chasing snapper waz a suxcess we got our bag limit and headed home with quality fillets again.