G'day All!, From the land of Progress!!
What a week itz bean!!
But despite the natural interference we still achieved the goalz,I set at the start of this week. Itz Friday Nite and "THE PERGOLA" is now resting upon itz mounting polez on the rear dek.
Life has not been excactly easy this week,with the natural interference makin life down rite unpleasant! Unless your here you have absolutley no-zero -none idea of just how not nice Qld weather is during the WET. At 5am this morning I was watering the plantz on the front dek only to B amazed as sweat waz dribblin down my face,neck and bak. Itz 5am 4
christ sake!
The heat isn't the main issue itz the humidity! The hygrometer inside the YOT is pegged at 98 percent.
"Down Rite Tropical!"
Waz that a "whinge or a moan??" Matt
Life is however on the up and up!
The new roof/ pergola has been moved from production stage 2 fitting and completion. HUGE!!!!!
Aftr strengthening and reinforcing the whole roof with lotz of cross memba's it waz finally thyme 4 the BIG move.
Upon reflection/ hind-sight we could of done a few thingz different but all in all a major success/ improvement/ upgrade.
The YOT iz a completely different vessel now!
I've got both shade and waterproofing (against both the tropical sun and downpours). The damn thing is massive no matter how you look at it! It took 4 of the guy's 2 move the roof from the jig in the shed 2 the Yot! Only 55kg but still massive!
Lotz of sweat and cussing later the roof landed upon itz pegs/ polez. WOW!!
Initially I/ we we're a little dissappointed with the overall structure however 10 minutes later, aftr the 2 rear support polez were fitted, the roof took on a whole new shape. It began to look like the sketches. I'm sure by the end of the coming week it'll be ball tearer strong and just about "cyclone ready"
Yesterday waz "Australia Day" and while the rest of the country relaxed,watched Test cricket and B.B.Q'ed. We spent the mornin workin on the big catamaran on the main cradle B4 stopping around 1pm 4 an awesum Barbie and just a few drinks??? B4 quite amazingly every1 went back to there respective Yacht'z for an afternoon of major progress.I fitted the bases for the 2 central support polez. between sweating and frequent cool showers to lower the body core temp.It'z lotz of sweaty hard work but it'll pay huge dividends when I'm sailing around this GR8 country with both shade and protection from the elementz.
After work I decided to throw a line or 2 out 4 a few fish (it was Australia day after all) Result- Fish 3 Stewie Zero. but good fun none the less. Then the rain set in again so I retreated to the cabin for a a few quite drinks and reflection on just how good life is!" DAMN THIS IS A GR8 COUNTRY!!"
Perth has seen a spate of really hot weather with calls coming in throughout the nite'z, with people enjoying the late night heat over the other side.
I cannot begin 2 mention how incredible Ken has been throughout this entire process without his help the entire roof
would still B a drawing!! Itz amazing just how much experience and knowledge he has AND is willing to share!!! The whole thing waz a learning curve 4 both of us with new materials that neither of us had used B4 but itz an experience I wouldn't change! 4 all the tea in China (does china even grow tea?)
Thanx M8!!!
From here itz just a "small" task to secure the roof, fit the edge trimz and hook up the electrix. just a small task 2 keep me busy 4 the next few dayz "Oh" I've also got 2 build a complete front window frame and panel assembly to support the front of the roof and also allow wind into the rear deck area. still I could of got alot less done during the last week.
At the beginning of this whole process I had no idea of just how much work was involved it very easy to see why fibreglass fixtures for boatz R so expensive, as the work involved is mind blowing!
The next major stage is 25mm stainless safety railz down either side of the YOT. Then the "small" task of constructing the front trampoline's will begin.(will it ever stop???) YES and very soon! as the only thing that'z important is- IS THE YOT SAFE??? and the simple answer is YES!!
So it won't B long B4 I'll once again B on the high sea's giving you all Foto'z of tropical paradise and bliss.
But 4 now I'll settle 4 sweat, dust itchy scratch stuff and down-rite uncomfortable conditions with the end goal being really, really important! as anybody I speak to is just as frustrated with with their life as I used 2B.
I've just finished talking to fridgy Brad for the last hour(lucky bastard! ,gr8 wife,2 kids,successful business and future mapping) But still I love my life! Admittedly I miss my son and my family and my previous life however my current situation (wkoa) far outweighs my yearning for past life's.
That's all from stinkin hot and humid tropical north queensland ,this week!
Captain Felix