G'day everyone!, The title soundz worse than it actually iz!
Itz been nearly a month since the last entry in that thyme Big Ash has been for a visit followed closely by nephew Chris. But the overriding news iz the fact I awoke to Big Ash telling me my travel companion Sue waz missing from the Yot.
We were 28 miles North of Exmouth between the 2 Muiron Islands a ruff night gave way to my awakening. What to do? Not much I really could do, The current waz about 5 knots and the dog had been missing since 5am (last sighting) Big Ash set off in hiz boat down current in a vain attempt to find Sue, meanwhile I had a breaky bourbon and went upstairs to sit on a beanbag and muse over the eventz.
While there I looked southwards towards South Muiron and I could see an animal on the beach!
I tried to raise Ash on the vhf but no joy ! So I set off in the dinghy ...
Suxcess! Sue waz on the beach, half a mile from the yot against an amazing current but there she waz!
They say catz have nine lives but Sue haz used all her lifelines! Holy Crap!
It still amazes me but the discussion iz did she jump or fall? Who know'z , itz never happened B4.
Meanwhile, Big Ash left here with a freezer full of filletz. Chris did the same! Lotz of fish available (if you know where 2 go (local knowledge iz key!)
The first week of Ash'z trip we spent on my marks at Outram patches way North of town. We filled the freezer in no thyme at all. The second week waz a totally different story!
You have 2 fisherman with more than 30 yearz experience each , the latest in satellite tech, shadow mapping on C map, Navionics and Lowrance Global mapping. "We caught Squat!" Embarrassing.
We were 30 miles South on the outside of the famous Ningaloo Reef, but still no joy with the fishes. South passage haz alwayz produced fishes B4, so when Chris rang to say he had bagged out ! leaving from South Passage each day I waz skeptikal until he sent me the fotoz. Local knowledge iz everything! Chris got hiz GPS marx from Brother Andrew. and managed to fill hiz freezerz with quality fillets.