After an intense 24 hrs of motor racing itz once again thyme 2 enlighten you as to the progress aboard "the Yot".
Progress is the defin8ly the wrong word,
itz more like re-gress.
The rear deck area loox like a war zone with sawdust, paint chipz and off-cutz everywhere.
There is literally crap from one end of the Yot to the uther.
All the "crap" is about to find a new home in the bathroom, but 4 now, must live on the rear deck area.
The new mirror panels arrived 2 day and will B fitted over the next couple of daze.
The bathroom fittout haz taken primary place on the TO -DO list as the Government boat is due in the yard in just 2 daze thyme.
Once the Marithyme Safety vessel is on the cradle it'll B "all hands on deck" for the next 2-3 weeks. Which leaves me very little thyme each day to work on Galleycat.
So even during the Motor racing weekend I waz busy making templates and cutting lining board for the bathroom.
The bathroom is supposed to have a certain WOW factor, to the finished product, but at this stage I'll be happy just to get it operational again.
I often take for granted just how lucky I am!
Itz not until I set foot on some of the "luxury" yachts that visit the yard, that I realize just how much Galleycat out performs most of them.
With funtionality and multi-purpose-ability!
If there is such a word.
There is no way you could do that aboard a Benetteau or Vanderstaad style yacht.
Still the work goes on.
It will take most of this week B4 the bathroom is once again operational, until then I'm relegated to using the facilities on-shore.
The weekendz racing was incredible!, with an epic 8 hour Nascar race concluding around 10am this morning, capping off an amazing weekend.
Marcos Ambrose waz incredibly lucky to survive the intense carnage that occurred at Talledega raceway this morning.
Triple 8 racing had a gr8 weekend during the V8 eventz at Barbagallo raceway in Wanneroo.
Just 10 km's from my old life.
On the contact front the Crazy Cannuck Noah haz been in touch and is busy working on getting permission to re-enter Australia, uther than that itz been fairly quiet on the Telstra front.
Itz now MUCH later in the week, in fact veree early Friday morn and as is customary B4 I write each Blog entry,
I scroll back to this thyme last year!
Amazingly I was at exactly where I am today, repairing the rear pontoons, changing the fishing platform and at a progressive stand still.
My mood was about the same as well, it seems after I return from every trip, the dark Cloudz form around me and I lack the drive to continue with the job!
The answer is obvious "Don't return" just keep on going.
For now though I'm kind of stagn8ing!
I have got a little further into the bathroom build with lighting and mirrors now fitted.
The main sticking point at the moment is the mounting of the shower and hot water systems that will allow me proper drainage and maintenance access.
The answer will reveal itself soon I hope!
In answer to Mum's comment, Yes I am upgrading the hand basin however as it is a very specific shape and 30 year old baked enamel we R planning to re spray it in Royal Blue.
But with the Marithyme safety vessel arriving from Thursday Island for itz refitt I've been spending most of the useable hours each day lending a hand to this new "priority task".
Captain Felix