Sunday 21 July 2024


 G'day all, After many many months of Bi polar funk Galleycat iz finally ready 2 go and by Go I mean itz thyme to leave Perth behind and journey North. Lotz of km's North, (I've been saying this 4 six months)The yot iz as ready as I can make it with fuel and water loaded just a crew list as a stumblin block. It appears that I'll journey Perth to Lancelin with Cam but after that I'll be lookin 4 crew, I'm just as happy to do the journey ala mode!

Unfortunately the RULES will come to bite us! as the demersal ban begins at the start of August just 1 week away. After that there no point in fishing anywhere lower than Shark Bay or Steep point. As you can't journey back to Perth with fillets. Now days if you cant keep any fish you catch ,then itz thyme 2 target the problem! I'm talking 250lb line an steel trace and mega hoox to stop the biggest shark you can...
600mm across the jaw (like this example) is an average catch but you need to allow recovery thyme from a shark tussell as it'll fukk you up for a day or 2 after.  Just another reason I don't dive anymore.
At last the generator iz re installed and finally working itz only taken 4 years. But itz a necessity if I'm going to survive the North West over the next few years as with the WET comes the need for air conditioning. A lot of people exist without air con but existing iz not living and you eventually need sleep.
Itz amazing!  I've solved the crew problem with my son Cameron jumping onboard for the journey all the way 2 Exmouth. and maybe beyond,
Then with the good comez the bad with a power spike going through the Yot just B4 we are ready to leave.
No more angle grinder, modem, inverter and mobile phone charger, Enter Dad, New inverter new grinder and a new toilet (thatz a must) all delivered to the yot 20k's north.
ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!  Not so, itz! Galleycat haz left Perth behind...