Here we go!,
The water is as glass calm as I've ever seen it!
No Sails! But we have a good current making 4 perfect conditionz.
The forcast is 1 more day of calm then a change with 15- 20 knot SE breezez
2 hours of solid work with motors and the anchor winch got us free of the coral and anchored in 4 meters of water over crystal white sand. .
Downhill is the only way to describe what has transpired over the past 5 days.
The highlight involves hitting the emergency beacon and getting several visits from AMSA aircraft 1 of which dropped a series of test flares B4 dropping a 400meter line attached to a satellite phone and vhf marine hand held radio.
In the end a 50 meter patrol boat was despatched from Thursday Island while Lola and Myself kept the damage to a minimum just holding the yot into the 4 meter waves and 30+ knots of wind..
Everyone is safe and we are in sight of Bamaga after 2 days under tow.
This is living proof that bananas and boats don't mix More than 2 of us queried the purchase of bananas.
Superstition doesn't sit to right with me but for some reason I joined in the ribbing and supersticionz.
The efforts of the rescue pilots to drop a satellite fone from a plane to a yot in the middle of holy crap weather conditions.
Still somehow they managed to get the yot to drift across the floating rescue pack rope.
Thankfully that was deemed to be 2 dangerous so we held station until dawn when we got the message a rescue boat has been dispatched from Thursday Island and would arrive in a day and a half.
Fun thymes!.
A period of attriction as the wild weather took itz toll on both yot and crew.
A few days later and much has been achieved!
The sails are all back in service, all bilges are empty and new pumps fitted where needed.
The rear deck has been refitted to the transom with 5x10mm bolts instead of the 20 x 5 mm machine screws. I appears every screw suffered horrendous electrolysis basically dissolving the threaded aluminium.
We are still trying to source a welder to repair the safety railz and rudders.
Fuel will arrive on Friday then we should be able to get to Thursday Island.
Itz definitely a period of "licking wounds" and shell shock.
The whole event haz rattled my belief in my open water cruising abiility. Itz very easy now to look back and realise just where mistakes were made and how quickly a situation can spiral out of control.
They do say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"
Most replacement parts have been ordered but we still need to replace the EPIRB that was used during the gulf rescue.It z taken 2 weeks longer than expected, but Galleycat arrived at Thursday Island this morning.
Itz Sunday so most businesses will be shut but this gives us a chance to just wander through the main township.
Ciao 4 now!
Captain Felix