G'day All,
My return to Groote was greeted with a V8 supercar weekend plus F1's.
Needless 2 say not much fishing got done until the following week.
Kane, Honey and I set off for a trip North far from fones, internet and the ever present authorities.
With Galleycat needing her hulls scraped to remove 3 months of heavy weed growth, we set off for our favourite sandy bay.
North East Island should give us the safe waters we need to spend a few hours under the Yot.
First evening we were about half way there with the weed slowing progress dramatically.
We sheltered behind a small group of Islands just South of Chasm Island, with Oysters our target for dinner.
An afternoon of wandering the shallows soon had a few dozen plump molluscs for the barbie.
A quick Kilpatrick sauce then 30 mins in the barbie soon had that all 2 familiar smell on the rear deck.
We ate until we could eat no more!
North East Island was soon in view and we anchored in 2 meters of crystal water.
Kane set off 4 a dive while I organised a feed.
It was soon obvious we would be eating seafood again with a nice coral trout falling victim to Kanez spear.
We both spent an hour under the Yot hooked to the Powerdive unit in an effort to remove our "shag pile carpet" of growth
A quick trip 2 the beach so Honey could find a tree had both of us staring at one of the biggest croc "slidez" either of us had ever seen.
It appearz "WE ARE NOT ALONE"!
Our second dive of the day was called off for safety reasonz.
Day 2 and both of us hit the water again armed with spearguns. Crayfish were our target and we succeeded in finding enuf 4 a feed.
Coral Trout and Crayfish mornay 4 dinner 2nite.
Unfortunately the reports of coral bleaching from across Australia have shown up on Groote as well.
Another hour each under the Yot and the hulls were clean.
No sign of our resident lizzard thankfully!
With the dives taking there toll on our energy reserves it was movie nite thyme with season 1 of "Game of Thronez".
Andrew made contact to warn of bad weather heading our way, this scuttled plans 4 a big Anzac weekend.
Day three and an early dive on one of the points had our fish stocks increasing with Coral Trout, Mangrove jax and a few more crays. Then we set off bak 2wards Alyangula again taking advantage of the 20 knot breeze and now kleen hullz.
Itz now thyme to prepare the Yot for itz first major trip of the season. A short 400nm hop up to Cape York and the Thursday Island group.
Once the last of the ordered spares arrive, it'll just be a matter of fueling, water top up and final checkz then Kane and Myself will point the Yot NE for around 6 days until we find land again.Honey will have to adjust to the no land visits.
Thatz all 4 this entry
Captain Felix