Big changez and happeningz this week, with the slow down on the Big Boat, I've had lotz more thyme and energy to devote 2wards Galleycat.
As you can see the Bathroom is slowly taking shape with the blue sprayed vanity now fitted and more of the walls complete.
The brushwork painting took a new direction with a "stipple" finish now chosen as the base, loox gr8 , this will be finished once I get the white silicone work done.
Then itz just the final wiring of lights, shower pump and the hot water system. This should be finished this coming week, with work on the window shade now underway.
The Southern Cross will be stenciled into the shade along with a Kangaroo in the centre of the constellation (wkoa).
The bathroom is now back in use and seems to function well and is lotz more user friendly.
The BIGGEST change this week has been the start of the Hull extensionz!
The Port (left) Hull is now been chopped, sawed, grinded, chiselled, hacked, bashed and generally removed in big chunkz.
As with all the tasks on this job, Ken was first on the scene with the motivation to get out the demolition saw and start what must be done.
Many hours of dusty itchy cutting later the entire rear pontoon haz now been removed as far forward as the rudder posts, which as you'll see in the fotoz is just under the rear deck kitchen.
This is a "really" drastic modification to the structural integrity of the yacht and must be done in stages.
Itz really unnerving to look at the Yot and see half a boat missing.
Many of the "problems" we've been having with the troublesum pontoons have now been solved.
The rudder tubes had big holez in them explaining the water in lockers constantly.
The foam lining was always going to fill with water when you see just how it was fitted.
And many other pontoon related queries have now been answered.
But that seemz 2B the story of this entire job.
The other huge news is the locating of Cameron my long missing Son. He's alive and well and living in the Northern suburbs of Perth. With this development stepz have now begun to re establish contact with him through the family Court.
This is a day that has been 10 years in the making with me last seeing Cam when he was just 3 1/2 years old.
I'm sure the times ahead will be interesting!, to say the very least with Skye (his Mum) bound to create all sortz of problems.
These have started already and will only escalate over the coming months.
Another major development is the pending arrival of Mum, who'll fly in early Wednesday morning for a visit.
The Yot is in a right mess with all the construction materials from the bathroom now covered with a layer of destruction materials from the hull. Under all of this stuff is a Yot.
My weekend will be a mix of finding the rear dek, finishing the bathroom, designing the hull extension plus the V8's are in Darwin.
Oh, I'm also distilling a batch of Fellixxer to send back to Perth with Mum.
As many of you will of guessed, the depression that has plagued me since my return from Cairns has begun 2 abate. Itz not gone, just pushed way into the background by the eventz of the past week. The news of Cameron has given me a renewed spark and lifted my spirits (the internal ones) not the brewed variety.
Finga's crossed I stay this enthusiastic
Lotz of planning and thunking is going into the new hull designs with every effort being made to make the new area practical and functional.
The top deck area will be extended 450 mm on the kitchen side to allow for an increase in the kitchen area.
Brother Andrew is AS usual catching big fish, this nice cod fell victim to "a really ruff day, so we only fished the shallows" a few cray's also fell victim.
Lotz more to come!