Sunday, 14 December 2014


B.B.Q    PIZZA's

G'day All,
Life aboard is in a state of utter chaos!
With the Yot undergoing her paint job at the moment,nearly everything is covered in a layer of sanding dust and the tools are crowding all the remaining space.
I'll introduce you all to Mick and Katie who both hail from Scotland, they've taken up residence aboard 2 help with the huge task of preparing the front of Galleycat for painting.
We've spent day after day filling and sanding all the nicks and scratches in the deck and cabin sidez.
coconut curry!   
We're now ready 4 Ken to inspect our work and  lay on 40lt's of high build primer,  then itz a week  more sanding.   YIPPEE!

The daily routine of  humidity, stifling heat then evening thunder  stormz has now begun in earnest so we are limited to just a few productive hours each day.
One really huge positive is the new refrigeration is amazing!
 The power consumption is less than half of the old engels and waeco's.
 I can now keep both ice cream and frozen yogurt! with the freezer holding  at negative 15 degree's easily during even the hottest dayz.
On top of the power reductionz associated with the fridges is the arrival of the new solar panels which more than double the collective power.
I've had a major computa failure  with the laptop going on strike.
I'm not sure wot killd it!, between   the dust, electrical stormz, xrteme heat and humidity  and downpourz it went on the fritz.
But I've  now managed 2 coax it bak to life with sum basic electrical detective work.
Just 4 how long who knowz?
The Yot is as bare as itz been for a long thyme!, with no hand railz,  front trampoline grating, Wft no1 or anchoring systems. The ropes and pulleys that make the boat work are all removed and stored inside, adding to the chaos.
The gardens and homebrew have also been sent ashore for the duration (wkoa) of the painting.
To make life just a little more interesting I have a Xmas party to cater this week. the yard will hold itz annual bash on friday afternoon with 80 people a ruff xpektation (wkoa) of guests.
5 different roasts will be slow cooked then sliced then served with really nice gravy'z and sauces.
I'm guessing every dish will have just a little "yot dust" seasoning.
The fishing and crabbing is nearly non existent with nightly rainstormz filling the creek with tonnes of leaves and grass clippingz.
Brother Andrew continues to catch amazing phish with a huge cod on lite gear this weex notable capture.
The hydraulic problem haz now been addressed with a local engineering firm manufacturing a whole new center piston out of high grade stainless instead of the chrome plated steel that Ultraflex supplied.
This should fix the problem once and 4 all.
The sewing machine haz been put to good use also, with the blindz Mum and I sewed in August now fitted and working brilliantly.
I can sleep out side in even the most severe nite thyme stormz.
The party nite haz  arrived with  this   years menu proving 2B far easier 4 me to prepare with nearly all dishes complete and just needing heating or final plate up.
I've spent the last couple of  evenings getting the prep work done in the hope that this year I can relax and enjoy myself rather than spend  the entire  nite in the galley.
What a saxcess!
85 people fed with top notch food  and drinx while most left early a  few of us partyed until 3 in the morn.
With the usual recovery period.
Itz now thyme  to get bak 2 the task of painting the Yot!
My 2 Scottish friends have now left  to head  down to the Woodford Music Festival, however Javier from Spain haz arrived 2 take their place.
With the yard now firmly in Xmas shutdown mode, I need to push to get everything ready to paint b4 the end of this week.
We have continued 2  fill and sand each day in the hope that when we  do get the first coat of primer on the next sanding layer will be easy!
The hydraulic ram haz now been rebuilt and installed so once the paint iz on the front Galleycat can return to sea!
As usual
at this thyme of the year the focus turnz 2 food with some extra amazing  dishes being produced.
This slow cooked (14 hourz) garlic and rosemary rump was just one of the party meats!
While one of our trawler mates haz left me stunned he bought a few boxes of prawns around for the party and workers.
Well 1 box has me checking for a new species "prawns are not normally 14" long and nearly 2" around.
This haz resulted in just a little cre8ive menu planning with these  prawn / crayfish  needing something special.
The final decision was to try a lite prawn and chive morney! The result truly "amazing" !
I've also been given a 4kg piece of Wagu beef that'll be saved for the Boxing Day Barbie.
The Yotz up on the slip!
Itz thyme 2 paint!
There'z a hole in the bottom of the rudder mount after our reef strike on the return from Airlie beach.
The world's all good and itz Xmas.
Captain Felix "out"!