G'day All,
Itz still a "steamy" world on Groote with afternoon thunderheads demonstr8ing naturez power while the sunsets demonstr8 sum of itz cloaked beauty.
Daythyme temps R now a regular 38 degree's while the nitez dip to a chilli 27.
The new Honda motor for the tender has arrived and been fitted however it took just 4 days for "The Locals" to take a liking to it, and steal it away in the dead of nite.
Luckily some amazing work by Chris saw the dinghy and motor recovered the following day. Alas the Agm powerdive battery and new wiring harness had been stolen along with my kayak paddle and several crab pots and floats.
Still it could of been a lot worse!
Not that I expect any action 2B taken by the "system" I love SO much but the local cops did attend the scene and take a report regarding the whole incident. The locals then tried again the following day 2 steal the whole dinghy but with the engine now disabled hopefully they'll give up soon and go back to whatever it is they do when their not stealing stuff!
Perhaps a severed hand or two will limit their attempz! Matters will come to a head soon!
"What an impressive operation!"
Turnz out my dinghy was used by the locals to pilfer the 2 other vessels floating outside town. Thousandz of $$$ damage was done, I got off lightly! Fingaz crossed now the "copz" will put a little more effort into the case, though I seriously doubt it!
Sunday waz spent tackling several major maintenance jobz with the vhf radio, batteries and wind generators receiving sum much needed luv.
The radio had a severely corroded connection while the wind generators both had wiring issues.
While the batteries just got a terminal clean. Itz thyme to replace the main battery bank.