Tuesday, 27 October 2015


G'day All,
                 Thursday Island Is where I'm updating from but this will be short lived, in that we move 2 Friday Island this arvo which is apparently Wednesday. It can all get very confusing especially when everyday is Friday aboard Galleycat.
We spent thyme with a couple of locals and learned a few of the basic cultural differencez
ie we got a bit merry.
They led us to a footpath with the history and info about the Islands themselves.
Itz strange to walk the main street of a town and hear so much singing and island type music but it was Sunday apparently!, and this place haz more religious houses than Adelaide  "thatz no lie" we counted 12 or 15 different places of worship depending if you include pubs in that list.
The constant wind is both a blessing and curse. I  need the wind to keep blowing until I reach Groote but when your looking for a quiet bay to fish and shelter it getz a little tough.
Still who could complain when itz a steady 30 degrees and there are tropical islandz in every direction. The change is in the air though with peaking humidity and misty conditions heralding the on coming change.
A few guys swapped a big muddie we had for a fresh cray so we got our first taste of the tropical lobsters. It had to be garlic and lemon butter.
We are also making batches of "nummus" daily. (pickled fresh fish). this is a gr8 way to use our fresh Spanish macks.
So as you can tell the menu is suffering drastically.
We are also experiencing our first real taste of the massive currents that really control this entire area.
At anchor we have 7 or 8 knots of flow rushing past the yot.
The Full Moon iz 2nite so the tides are about as full as they get.

another magic sunset
 Destiny is exactly the crew member kneaded 4 this section of the journey.
We are from such radically different genre's that the mix can be both confrontational and enlightening to down rite Fantastic.
My black and white existence v's Destiny's  more spiritual life.
The kitchen is the main battleground with my inner chef doing cartwheelz at some of the recipe additions.
I'm learning to be more relaxed and open while Destiny is learning to toler8 my frustrationz.
When we get the mix right the combination (wkoa) can produce some amazing meals.
 I'm getting a first hand view of her truly relaxed view of the world around us., then when needed, her inner strength comes to the surface.
A gr8 balance and also what makes her unique.
This is an experience that'll change several facets of my future journey. Jake iz defin8ly enjoying having Dest around with hiz eye's popping out of his head when she ate a mouthful of clove spice to stop a toothache. All aboard were giggling uncontrollably when her tongue stopped working for around 5 minutes. One bush remedy she won't repeat 2 soon.
Destiny has spent the better part of the week tanning and sewing a fish leather skirt to wear as she trexx Southward from the Cape.
We now leave the Islands for mainland Australia once again.
We've been told of a pearl operation on Roko Island so we are heading their so Dest can get that "pearl necklace" she's been looking for.
We already have one pearl aboard but we are hoping they have secondz or unsaleable onez.
Then landfall somewhere near Bamaga/ Sashia 2C if Gus iz still at the pub.
Every thyme you think you've found paradise, this part of the country shocks you back to reality
This place is simply amazing with a secluded harbour shelter from nearly every wind and gr8 people.
We met up with our cray barter local again who was proud to welcome us to "His Home".
Not a bad place to drop anchor and my crew member.
Destiny haz set off for who know'z wear by foot.

Even the locals were amazed by her ensemble with the fish skin skirt a major scene of giggles and questionz. The boys got a shock when they lifted the skirt to realise Destiny doesn't do underwear.
More laughs and giggles
Then they all sung a good bye chorus as she wandered out of my life to continue her journey.
I'll now take a day or 3 to recover from my latest battle wounds B4 I set sail 4 Weipa just 120 miles away.
Captain Felix