G'day All, As the title suggests I'm eating fresh Cockburn Sound mussels as often as possible.
We raid the mooring floats until we find one with heapz of big onez at the centre. Then Tyson and Jim jump in and pull off Big bunches of these tasty morsels. Unfortunately that meanz you have to kleen them but hey the price per kilo iz gr8.
Lotz of creamy Mussel liguine and then steamed chilli / garlic musselz.
The yot haz left Rockingham and iz now down inside the Mandurah Estuary, I'm here with one purpose only and thatz to tuck in2 some fresh Mandurah crabz. Cockburn sound iz closed to crabbing and itz been hard to get a trip to the Swan River so I've set off in Convoy with Jim on the mono hull yot RACUNDA.I arrived safely at 7 pm under the bridge and then ran straight aground on a sand bar. This had me stranded until high tide at midnight. Once refloated I headed back into deep water and dropped the pick.
Itz thyme 4 the crabz to shine!
And shine they have, Big Ash showed up on Saturday morning with a couple of kids in tow and we set the nets on one of the best crabbing sessions I've ever had!I only have one net aboard but that net has yielded 15 crabs 2day and I'm just coming into peak hour when the crabz come out 2 play.
Itz 2 tripz later and the crabz have defiantly gone!
We tried both mandurah and the Swan for a basic result of 20 on the first trip and zero on the second trip.
So itz thyme 2 point the Yot North with Freo sailing club the first stop on a journey that'll take me through to Two Rocks where the yot will be lifted out for itz yearly coat of antifoul.