Pole position 4 tommorows Sandown 500 ! ,
What a Race!
I can only hope Ken and Brother Mark were watching.
Did I mention WOW! ?
These guys R insane!, and in just three short weex thyme, I'll B trackside for the most IMPORTANT V8 event in the last 50 years!
This year more So. With 50 years of History,
plus "The Car of the Future!"
No longer will the battle be Ford vs Holden!
After 2day who knows how it'll finish? (not swedish)
The foto is also the start of a series!
"wind power"
"Free Power is GOOD Power!"
So this week has seen my effortz direct themselvez towards harnessing the wind!
The new polez were cut, shaped, then welded B4 being fitted 2 the roof.
All was gr8 until I stood back and looked at the lines of the Yot!
It waz all wrong!
The poles supporting the roof needed 2 line up with the generator supportz, how stoopid am I?
It looked "Not Normal", when I bolted them onto the roof! However afta a bit of re-design the generator poles now both line up with the supportz beneath them.
Itz only a little thing, But if U don't pay attention during the build phase then the final result won't work!
So far I'm finding wind power a little lack lustre! or puff!
This will change with the fitting of generator 2 !
The second generator is designed very basically and will produce power in very lite windz unlike the "Airex" unit I fitted 2day.
Itz a Huge week 4 the family with Brother Andrews' operation early next week!
This also will overshadow Sister Narelle's Birthday! This is unfortun8 but "thatz life",
Happy Birthday Sis!
I can only hope all things work out positively.
If things work out well then next week will B normal !
If they don't then,
"life changes "
My thortz are heavily with both Brother Andrew and also Mum n Dad! plus Andrew's kidz.
Our family haz bean through Xtreme turmoil recently and a good result would B nice 4 a change!
The wind generators have been a mere sideline with lotz happening both aboard and "onshore".
Richard has purchased 2 more "project yachts" for our entertainment. 1 a 54ft monster.
The slips have both been busy with more "return boatz"
Just 1 more reason 2 get moving!
Friday lunch this week was a luvly sate' chicken with riz pilaf'
Bloody nice tucker! Not much left after.
I've just about conceded defeat ( not d arms) with regards to getting Galleycat to the Whitsunday's B4 Bathurst. There's simply too much still to do!
I've spent each nite this week working on the fishing deck!
Getting all the systems working and " practicle' witch soundz easi but in reality has not been so!
I feel itz now going 2B (pencil again) much more use-able and functional. Finga's crossed!
Sum of the niggling problems with the design R beginning 2 sort themselves out. With the fitting of the wind generators has also come the water collection system and the final fitting of the deck titez around the back stayz! (Big wires that hold up the Mast)
I still feel I could spend anuther 3 or 4 years working on the Yot, But if I don't get going soon, I feel I'll be stuck here fore-eva!,
So I'm now working on spending this month getting ready to spend a month or 2 sailing around the Whitsunday Group of Islands during the lead up 2 Christmas. B4 returning to the yard. With that goal in mind itz all about getting the Yot ready to head bak 2 C again with the basics requiring the most attention!
The safety gear is in need of much luv!
It'll take a few weeks to adjust to this new goal, but with any sort of luck it'll result in a really gr8 festive season.
Miss Manda Mermaid has been in touch a couple of thymez this week. As her trip down under getz closer the level of excitement has begun 2 build.
Lots of questionz about temperature, crocodilez and travel arrangements.
Finga's crossed the starz and moon will align and we'll be able 2 spend this trip enjoying life without the cares of civilization (wkoa).
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I published a foto of Manda last week so after much thunking Mermaid sent a newer foto for the blog. after rememba ing that she'd sent me the previous foto last year.
It appears I have to start making Jameson's' whisky!
Special batch No less!
Thatz cool, with a few weeks notice I'm sure I can organise a 5 litre flask of special whisky!
It seemz all my visitors require there own special whisky. With that in mind I've set aside a special batch just for Bathurst.also a bottle or 2 of spiced rum.
That'z all 4 this week!
Keep yourselves Happy and enjoy every day!
Captain Felix
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No CROC"S Here Amanda! |