You were right Ken! |
Itz now a full week since my effortz in Turtle Bay.
The biggest damage was not the crab net above but the outboard motor. After striking the marina pylon the bracket that lifts the outboard out of the water and secures it 2 the dinghy itself, is "KAPUT".
The motor worx fine but holding it the water is simply impossible!
OH !, The rudder on the port side of the Yot is also out of action.
Steps are underway with the rudder bracket left with an engineer in Cairns and a new outboard ordered.
We have headed away from Cairns with only the electric motor on the tinny and 1 rudder on the Yot itself.
The weather is on the improve so we are heading to a place called "Stagg Patches" I've seen lotz of fishes on the sounder each thyme I've gone past this spot B4.
The patches are a huge series of coral bommies that rise from 42 meters up to 2 meters but the average bommie depth is around 15 meters.
Perfect fishing grounds! and just 12 miles from Turtle Bay.
Stagg patchez is just a little lumpy! But all the fishing gods are sending us a purple patch for the next 36 hourz.
Ash and I combined 2 make a new "dab" net for the Yot as the last crew managed 2lose (town in France) not only my Knife sharpener but the dab net.
When I went 2 Tackleworld too buy a new 1, the guy'z had never heard of such a thing, local knowledge is weird in the fishing game.
What worx in W.A haz know plaice (really big fish) on the Reef this side of the island.
Ash and I calcul8ed something like 70 years phishing Xperience between us and still we were out whitted by a simple monosylabicmacropod!. (willy big word, Minella).
There iz a story behind that word!
Jake waz told the complete version on hiz recovery and leaped over the side but waz rescued by the afore-mentioned net!
Ash and Ric got a chance 2 meet the crew from a few weex earlier as they wanted 2 come back aboard 4 a night of yot reflection 101!
I have never seen a box of "lollies" disappear so fast in my entire life.
Update from Galleycat:
We have had a computer die aboard!
Steps are underway to rectify this with a new computer coming online now.
I'll update the blog once I get this thing sorted
Captain Felix (the frustr8ed)
someone's got a new toy! |
I've managed 2 upload the camera shots from the last few days plus a few from Ash's eyephone
The Yot is back in Cairns Ash and Ric have jetted off to their beloved football and families.
Itz taken a few days to get things into order and prioritize things that need to be done B4 I head North.
The computer death was a major hiccup with no emails or "music".
I had to revert 2 cd's! Ironically as I was buying the new computer 2day the guy in front of me was buying a turntable and a copy of one of Pink Floyd's albums (old is new again?) Who wood of thunk it!
The next priority is to get the yot seaworthy again this means repairing the damaged rudder and stage 2 of the fibreglassing of the main saloon floor.
see foto opposite!
I've got to wait for the new outboard to come from down south so I'll use this thyme 4 final preparations (wkoa) for what will now be a speedy trip up the coast.
Hopefully I can find another traveller to join me as far as Lockhart river at the very least.
The windz are blowing and I've watched literally hundreds of yachtz come and go over the past few weex.
Itz thyme 2 go...
Captain Felix