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Cape Flatteryz Shifting Sandz |
Cape Bedford |
Galleycat haz bye sum miracle got internet while we shelter behind Cape Bedford.
So I've uploaded thiz quik update.
Our muddie trapz are out until 2 morrow morn when we'll raise the new spinnaker and head 2wardz Cape Flattery.
We headed ashore at low tide in an effort to find a few rock oysters 4 dinner, Honey also wanted a tree and sum grass
3 dozen huge rock oysters in around 20 minutez.
Nothing on the trolled barra lurez but a couple of muddies already.
A late arvo of shucking oysterz and making kilpatrick sauce gave way to a movie nite.
We are now on Low Wooded Isle, a little haven full of surprises.
I spent yesterday in search of more oysters. This involved a lap of the Isle with Honey and my oyster collecting gear.
I arrived back at the Yot around 2 hours later with just a few small oysterz but a collection of floating debris.
This included 2 long line floatz (Japanese), a pool noodle plus a 60 litre plastic tub.
What I'll use them 4 I don't know, but at least they are no longer rubbish on a beach.
I kneaded sum thyme 2 myself yesterday arvo just 2 process the loss of my new spinnaker on the trip across.
In fact the spinnaker waz the biggest "anticlimax" of the trip so far.
I delayed my trip North waiting 4 the spinnaker only to have it last less than a minute.
My new spinnaker now joins the spares locker. BUGGER!
This is a major blow to the trip as itz the spinnaker that drives us North.
So I sought solitude as I travelled the Island with Honey.
If anyone knows how to contact Tom Hanks let me know!.
One discovery during my walk (with a little Google Earth help) was a pristine mangrove system within the confines of the Island.
So Gus, Honey and Eye set off on high tide to lay a few crab pots.
The water is crystal kleer here with more fish than any person could ever want!
However we didn't wan't phish (well not big onez anyway), we were after mudcrabz!!!
Serious doubts arose as 2 weather the muddies would live in such a cleer system.
We set four traps by walking them into the deeper pools. "croc watch".
The tide didn't allow a return visit until this morning when we discover much 2 our delight that there R muddies here!,
"Damn Big Ones" .
2 were in one of the potz while the other was just walking on the sand bottom. He fell to a random throw net.
While the estuary also gave us heaps of baitfish for our upcoming reef trip.
We have got the go ahead from the spinnaker bloke 2 have a crack at repairing the damaged sail with the on-board sewing machine.
We ate these monster muddies as a crab claw salad while motoring out here.
My day waz then spent huddled over the sewing machine in an effort 2 repair the damaged spinnaker.
Sum gr8 fishing saw us enjoy a whole baked Emporor while leaving a nice red emp for lunch or dinner.
Finally some good news!
After a second shot at the sewing machine this morn and some thymely advice from Mum, we have a flying spinnaker.
There'z not really enuf wind but I'm going to get my 10 cents worth of pleasure out of this sail.
I have no confidence in the spinnaker! yet, that will now only come with thyme and stronger winds.
The damaged area on the top of the spinnaker smelt strongly of cat urine, so I'm guessing that is what has weakened the area.
So now I'll begin sourcing another one I know I can rely on..At least this one will keep us going North.
The delay hasn't affected us much really, we had planned 2B near Princess Charlotte Bay when Andy and Jemma caught up with us.
They should be nearing Cooktown early this week so the gap will be down to less than 100 km.
OOP's I Spoke 2 soon!
Repaired spinnaker is no longer again.
In less than 10 knots itz torn in exactly the same way.
There goes a full dayz work ! At least the view and fishing was good, so I can't complain 2 much..
Itz now decision thyme do we continue on to Lockhart or return 2 Cooktown and try to source a replacement sail.
Decision made! We are returning to Cooktown.
This iz a Big negative as we are supposed to be travelling North not South. We are only 40 miles from Cooktown V's 120 plus from Lockhart.
So with full facilities in Cooktown we've decided to make a quick return to Cooktown to both meet up with Andy and Jemma aboard "PAWS", and sort this spinnaker issue before we lose internet and phone service.
Captain Felix