One week on an Galleycat now has a new brain!
The hydraulic steering is now installed and working also the auto-pilot has had a complete rebuild and is now installed and functioning. Finally I can steer the Yot !
The Trimaran "Bambu" failed to arrive in time for the high tide and despite several effortz there was simply not enuf water to get her on the cradle.
This has meant lotz of thyme available 4 both Noah and myself 2 work on our own Yacht's. With no tidal movement this week the main cradle sits empty, the difference itz maid is huge.
Then the final design is then fitted temporarily, looked at and assessed for practicality B4 the unit is then screwed into place the following day.
The console is taking on a very comfortable feel which is good as I'm sure I'll be spending lotz of hours sitting at the Helm.
By the end of the coming week I should be ready 2 begin wiring the electronics and electrics of the Yot in readiness for returning to sea.
I've also managed a crabbing trip and "shock horror" even headed outside the harbour for a couple of fishing expeditions. Lotz of crabz, a few grunter and a couple of mackerel made the exercise worth it.
some much needed luv this week.
The dinghy caused a few issues during our trip to Broadhurst reef as the tow rope chaffed through a couple of timez. So I'm planning to learn from this and redesign the towing system with a pulley fitted in the tow line and a full canvas cover over the dinghy for ruff weather towing.
I was given a HUGE commercial incubator this week so next Friday's lunch will be a slow cooked roast beef or lamb. I'll also be putting several batches of beef jerky (biltong) into the cabinet this week. With a few modifications (wkoa) we will be able to begin to smoke our own hams and fish plus I'm planning to produce fresh cabana and chorizo sausage.
Once the refit of the main cabin area is complete I'll be able to return some sense of order and cleanliness to the onboard kitchens. The constant saw dust and grime is making onboard life tedious! Luckily the improvements make up for the discomfort 10 fold. It wont be long B4 these repairs are finalized and life can return to "normal"!
Itz birthday month within the family with Brother Mark and Brother Andrew's already passing and mine late next week. I think I mite take the day off to watch some Motor Racing,go
fishing and drink a Fellixer Bourbon or 2
Mum rang this week 2 ask what I'd like for my special day and after a nite of deliberation (wkoa) I've realized I have everything I want!
Life is pretty damn good at the moment, with Qld's weather absolutely perfect , daytime temps hovering around 24-25 degree's and nights just cool enuf for a good nightz sleep.
After that itz either the mast, the bow, the bathroom or the fridge that'll be next on the line for refit and repair. Somethymes I think the job will never end! But in all honesty that "end" is now very much in sight.
Fridgy Brad has been in contact this week with a few drama's in the West. I haven't heard from Miss Mermaid for a week or 2 now but fingers crossed the next call will be 2 tell me she's in Australia. Both little and Big Ash's have made contact as well. It seems life in Perth is still just as hectic if not worse than it was.
I kind of glad my life took a right turn and I now find myself on the other side of Australia, sitting on a Yot enjoying the sunshine and lifestyle. I'm thankful for everyday.
Life life to the Max cos your a long thyme dead!
Captain Felix