Saturday, 14 April 2018

Groote Eylandt Twighlite...


 G'day All,
                  It finally thyme to say goodbye to Groote Eylandt! Well almost!
Chris haz now finished work and he and Tara are finalizing their commitments in preparation (wkoa) 2 leave Groote behind us.
My visit to Groote waz originally planned for 3 months that was nearly 2 years ago.
We are planning to head up to Truant Island just North of Gove for the initial stage of our journey to Darwin. Then back to Gove to re supply B4 setting off for a month in the Wessell Island chain.
There are still many tasks on the blackboard that need attention B4 we leave but we are steadily working through them. 8 to go...
This week had me finishing the new fishing bench out on the rear deck area. 10mm thick stainless formed the bench top in what could be the strongest fishing bench in history. The bench haz been on the list since I first arrived at Groote with the new Yot.
Considering how much fishing we do, the task of building the bench should of been completed much sooner but just how to mount the bench had us perplexed for a good while then we came across a big stainless blade off a mine site concentrator.
Now itz thyme to fit a spotlight and luxuries such as knife holderz and boga grips for handling the fish. A salt water washdown hose is ready also but I'm still waiting for a couple of pressure pumps to arrive on island.
The biggest news / improvement of the past few weex is the problematic generator iz finally operational with Ben spending many sweaty hourz in the engine room getting the unit working. As part payment I took Ben and hiz three kids for a night fish up to Wedge Island.
We were half way there when Kyle scored this fine spanish mackerel, "lots of big smilez" a few smaller mackerel kept us busy until dusk, when we anchored on a lump in 22 meterz of water and were immediately set upon by giant trevally and huge catfish alas no jewies but lots of stretched  arms and broken fishing rigs later it waz thyme for a feed of spaghetti bolognaise for energy. The kids fished until midnight B4 settling down for a few hourz sleep but set alarms for 3 in the morning and they were straight back into the action until another couple of hours sleep.
As dawn arrived they were straight back into fishing mode with several meter long queenfish adding to the tally board. All fish were released unharmed so only mackerel filletz to take home. Still not a bad nightz "work".
We then spent a week at the top end of the island with 4 guy's from a mine site in Indonesia they were matez of Blackouts. They had a gr8 thyme catching heaps of fish and generally swimming in the shallowz while eating the usual quality fair.
I'm still waiting for Hanni and the boyz from Sydney who now have just 1 month B4 we leave Groote behind us.
Itz now been decided that we leave at the end of May, heading 120 miles North towards Truant Island.
We will then head to the Wessel Island chain B4 heading across to Darwin to meet up with Brother Mark and his partner Emily.
After the V8 Supercars at Hidden valley racetrack Chris, Tara and myself will then head back towards the Wessels for a month of fishing and exploring.