Friday 21 June 2024



G'day All,
It'z finally happened! The Generator haz been rebuilt and serviced and iz now ready 2B re-installed into the Stb engine room. Many hourz and many thousands of dollars later (thanx Mum) the unit iz ready to produce power at the push of a button. This iz all important as the Yot travels North and the need for an air conditioner becomes not a luxury but dare I say it but a necessity. Once Mum and Dad start touring with their new van and lifestyle the idea iz 2 meet up with the yot so air con iz a must. The genset also runs the oven/micro/air fryer combination (wkoa) unit. Plus a battery charger if itz ever needed again. All power tools and just a few auxillary systemz. Several dayz later and the Genset iz now back in itz place. With 90% of the ancillary systems reconnected. Just the 240 volt main output and 12 volt battery imputz to go.
While the refit iz top priority atm I've also taken steps to fit artificial grass to the upstairs pergola area, hope fully this will stop the destruction of plastic chairs with 2 being destroyed in just 2 weex. the legz just slide on the floor and the person endz up flat on their arse with bitz of plastic flying everywhere, just another unexpected hiccup in getting the yot ready to head North to much warmer, more fish rich climates...
This year haz seen many upgrades but itz all about space and flexability with the pergola slowly becoming a multi purpose (little dolphin) area. Acres and acres of space. Specially suited for a bunch of swags! or misc places to sleep. Plus the "heli pad" or (drone landing zone) that doubles or triples as a queen sized bed. Should I put a gr8 big H in the circle or a D for drone showing the type of helicopter that'll fly aboard over the next few years with a drone being far more realistic than a heliflopper. Plus the fact that I'll be visited every day over the next few months by a customs and Border patrol plane that takes a foto of the yot so suddenly a drone landing pad could go viral with a foto from a govt plane showing a new era in yotting photography. 2 do this first I must procure a drone ,then learn how to fly it, buy several Go Pro camera's and mountz, upgrade the computer to 8 or 16 gig so I can edit video footage, then learn how to produce you tube worthy content. As the blog currently haz just 17 followerz and many of those are in other countries. Itz thyme to move the blog in2 the new century. sign up to Gumtree and Facebook and maybe Twitter what ever the hell that iz.
Itz now thyme to leave Perth behind the yot iz as ready as I can make her with the generator and new BBQ coming on line this week. Not only that! but the worlds most expensive salad iz now a reality!  Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums and tonnes of others R now growing in the specially produced drumz. These drumz can B closed whenever the windz R up and damage to the plants iz possible. but plenty of leafy greenz and spinach both Vietnamese and aussie will produce salads once I move the yot North for warmer climates. The addition of baffles and blindz also protect the infinitely valuable plantz. By the thyme you add the cost of drumz, blinds, baffles and seedlings the salad worx out at about $80 a plate. 
 Enter Big Ash and a roll of putting green turf that'll double as upstairs carpet.
 Itz now thyme to look for at least 1 on 2 extra crew for the journey North. So I've put an add on "facebook" to see if I can find crew that way with Gumtree no longer a viable option.