Thanx to everyone who wantz an update...
As you can C we still have no pictures available.
We've done 2 trips since the last update a 3 day journey to Chasm Island and Marble point.
Heapz of fish and oysters for the B.B.Q,
We spent a night anchored on Chasm Shoal pulling in Gold Band, Blue bone, nannygai and mackerel.
Then back into marble point for swimming and Oysterz Kilpatrick by the dozen.
More deep water phishing with some big Mangrove Jacks and more Nannygai.
Back to town and reload the yot for a trip South to Salt Creek in search of Mudcrabs.
Another 3 day expedition with just as much drinking as the last trip.
We did find a few mudcrabz but lotz of water between them.
Then it waz bak 2 town in preparation (wkoa) for the fitting of the new pergola over the rear deck.
The roof from the old boat will be floated out from the beach B4 being winched and heaved aboard the new Yot. Once the roof iz fitted we will have shade over the whole rear deck and fishing platform.
WOW! What a difference a day makes..
Itz truly a different boat.
The work continuez onboard with the new pergola now fitted and ready to wire with lightz and tunez.
The fishing platform iz slowly becoming user friendly with Blackout finding a piece of moulded poly pipe that we'll fit this week once Andrew, Chris and Blackout get dayz off, around Wednesday they all come off shift with 7 days off.
Still lotz of jobz 2 do with another trip to the top of the Eylandt this week also.
Hopefully I'll have the genset working with the new waterpump fitted I've now got an oil warning shutdown. So I've ordered a couple of oil filterz and a new oil sender unit just 2B sure.