Itz 10 pm Thursday nite and I'm seriously wondering,
"What R the peasants doing?"
The weather is perfect, the tunes are gr8, the company!,
not so good,
but I've bean on the fone lotz!
Stowaway No2! has been on the fone this week,
I didn't do Chantel or Crystal justice in my last entry,(sorry)
All I know is, I really enjoyed the weekend'z sojourn.
and I'd welcome them both aboard again with open arms, as they were good value as "stowaway's!."?
(syntax error)
Chantel has gone far out of her "weigh" this week, to provide me wiv a much betterer photo than I had B4.
Thanx Heaps! Chantel.
The postponed improvementz to Galleycat are still happening despite my desire to slow things down!
"Obviously I still have to learn!"
There R 7 items still on my "Whitsunday list", that have not bean addressed.
I've spent the entire week ignoring the "most obvious" items.
Itz these 3 that gave me the grief of last week and introduced me 2 Chantel and her friend.
So this week has been all about the few refine(mintz) sorry!, that'll make day 2 day life aboard, easier.
The whether on the uther side of Oz has turned 4 the better and any1 that owns a boat is ringing for advice on just where they should point the boat to catch fish.
So far Carl is catching more than Brother Andrew (which is unusual), but every1 is gearing up for a BIG WEEKEND!
As am I, with the First round of the V8's in Adelaide.
I won't even B putting a line in the water!
a "14 hr slow cooked roasted rump with onion gravy and Scottish Bap style bread rollz".
23 is the count 4 this weex lunch, as the guy's and galz from the yard next door are joining us!
Itz a full year since our friend Brandi left this world and itz kind of thymely to reflect on just how far everyonez life has changed in the last year.
Far 2 many changes to list, but I ask every1 to stop and thunk just what they were doin' this thyme last year!
If in doubt just scroll this Blog bak until this thyme last year!
So much change!
Just 2 short weex's 2 go B4 Mum and Dad arrive and we set sail 4 Cairns!
So itz thyme 2 relax enjoy the racing and prepare for what is 2 come!
Besides, I really don't need an excuse to stop what I'm doin and watch the V8's charge around "clipsal". Brother Mark (bastard) is "of course" trackside!
Until Sunday,
this is Galleycat signing off!
Ciao 4 now,
Captain Felix
Noah (crazy Cananadian)
I've just drilled 2 huge holez in the bottom of your Yacht (40 dayz) and Kenny and I are going to paint her "Nipple Pink"!