After the many many requests I surrender!
Photo's and updates are now a "priority" item.
We are spending all our daylight hours working on the Marithyme safety boat.
This Monster is here for the next 3 weeks (min) for a complete re-fit and paint job.
Galleycat haz taken a bak seat in the priority list while I sort out a few issues and task focus my attention towards this "little project"!
It will take all our effortz 2 get this completed on thyme, and get the yard back 2 itz designed purpose of getting boats out of the water, anti fouling them and returning them to where they belong.
While King Richard is away itz up 2 us 2 keep the yard ticking along and functioning, so 4 now itz all "elbows and arseholes"
but after a Hot shower (yes I've got a shower again), a pint of Fellixer, and
"I fish" on the idiot box, I end up back on my endless loop.
I've been battling with my "demonz" for what seems like an eternity.... And still the cycle goes on.
Regardless of the world around me!
That is until friends and Family, rally 2 pull U bak!
and tiny little things like
"catching a mudcrab"
begin to crack a glimmer through the clouds.
I live a life many would love
and I appreci8 it NOWHERE near as much as I should!!!!!,
until every now and then...
I approach a point I thought I'd left behind long ago...
I don't know why or how it all worx but it happens every now and then.
Thankfully, now, I know how 2 recognize the signs and ask for help when I need it
Thatz enuf of the heavy stuff!
I just have to realise it more.
While all the utha stuff is going on I've still managed to fit "new gener8ion" led lights 2 the main cabin and bathroom areas.
These are twice as brite and yous much less power than their earlier versionz.
Xplin8ion- Mum is a skool teacher and this spelling is kind of a rebellion against society as a HOLE! (double entendre'???)
The bathroom / head (in yot speak) is still progressing, just slowly, with the light upgrades, silicone joinery, and undercoating of the cupboardz and shelves all happening these past few dayz.
I'm currently (not sultanaly) trying to work out the best method of fitting a shower rose over the middle of the room instead of the traditional method of just slapping it on the wall.
This will involve hiding the pipework in a slightly lowered ceiling area. "mayB"
I just didn't eat it ! (see earlier heavy crap for a reason)
This new addition will allow me to once again bake and roast food which has bean sorely lacking from my culinary repoitoire' since the baumatic unit died before my trip to Cairns.
After the Chaos of the next few weex pass we will begin to alter the 3.9m quintrex dinghy into the new fishing freedom machine with a solid floor and flash paint job, first itemz on the list.
This dinghy is just what I waz looking for as far as shape and features plus it waz in Townsville!
I have been watching Gumtree for the past few weeks looking 4 the "right dinghy".
This unit was on the listings for the whole thyme but I ignored it for.... (see earlier heavy crap).....
May she Rest in Peace!
Even now I'm thunking I could load a couple of crab netz and shoot around the corner...
See life iz returning 2 normal????
I received a special request 2day from Miss Mermaid in Ireland 4 a foto of the "sun"
(as Amanda has forgotten wat it loox like!)
So I looked through the fotoz of the past year and this 1 seemed appropriate.
I intend 2 be there again this Christmas New Year period!
Between now and then there is still much to do and lotz to achieve.
Many friends, both old and new have contacted me this week and with their help and my ever amazing family I know I WILL make it back to the Whitsundays this year and look out anyone who tries to derail this from happening, including me!
I've realized that despite myself, I crave company and forward motion!
This has been lacking over the past few weex and itz thyme for that 2 change.
So I'll finish (not swedish) now and hope that will give you all an idea of just whatz bean happinin aboard Galleycat this past few weex.
Remember "Life is for Living"
Captain Felix