Tuesday, 18 January 2022



G'day All, Summer has arrived ! with day thyme temps hovering around 40 degrees.

The big news is a "disaster", with our family run hardware store being destroyed by an arson attack. Luckily Dad had the place insured but that still dosen't fill the void left by a shop thatz been run by Dad for 31 years.

The yot has been busy with a trip up to Rottnest chasing King George Whiting, no luck but lots of sand whiting and flathead made a superb meal. The other staple at this thyme is fresh Cockburn Sound mussels making there way in2 the steamer, served with chilli and garlic steam.
Swan River crabz are also making their annual run with some crabs nearly double the average size.

I have also managed a trip to the back of Rotto with Big Ash and Cameron. 
As usual we got our fish, but we had to release at least 40 undersized pinkies to get our bag limits of sized fishes. Still lotz of fish in the freezer now.

Itz also thyme to get the yot ready to leave Perth in the rear view and head on back up the coast to first Lancelin then off to the fabulous Ningaloo Reef and the jewel of our coastline Exmouth. Itz thyme to catch some "real'" fish with spaniards and emporer on the wish list. Not B4 just a few nice dhuies at Lancelin.

We are in repair mode with both the solar systems and rudders needing work. The solar upgradez are boosting the overall sizes of the cable used to a minimum of 10 mm square. This will reduce the loss of current and the amount of resistence which is creating dangerous levels of heat at this thyme.
While the rudders need to be re aligned with each other, as they have moved and now point in different directions.