Dad made comment last week that the interior looked like Pro Hart's "WHAT A MESS ! "
That was last week, and this Friday isn't 2 much of an improvement. As U can plainly see!
However if you look carefully you'll notice flooring and floor joists, in the new cockpit area.
As I began this stage of the build without a plan, I've found myself in uncharted territory. Itz taken lotz of thyme to bring some semblance of a plan together and 2B honest I'm still making things up as I go along.
By placing the steering wheel and skippers chair into their final spotz I've been able to visualize sum of the new layout, by physically sitting at the Helm and sketching the layout on paper and in my Brain.
This proved far 2 much of a brain challenge as Wednesday arrived with a Monster Migraine!
I'm talking about an "I can't see out of 1 eye, type migraine"
I'd managed to kill the headache by early Saturday morning so me being me it was "jump back in with both feetz".
I set about glueing and screwing the new floor joists into place.Faced with a delivery dilemma, I moved my effortz to the roofline. As the new pedestal for the chair won't arrive until early next week along with the hydraulic lines for the new steering system, I've decided to work with the lines that can't be changed and are already defined.
The culinary scene is on the UP!
This Friday'z lunch was a traditional Indian chicken curry with mango chutney and basmati rice. Cooked on Thursday (curry is always better after a day of rest). I'd also made a fresh mandarin slice! As Fonzie arrived this week with a carton of fresh mandarins. We managed to consume this at morning smoko! Cooking is Gr8 Headache therapy!
What a new found joy it was 2 make real Pate Sucre' and Creme Patisserie along with poached mandarin segmentz and a mandarin glaze. If only the Mandarins were a little sweeter it would of been perfect. But as I'm slowly starting 2 appreciate!
That is until you realize "Life is 4 Living!" not lamenting! Migraines' aside.
I wouldn't wan't 2b anywhere else!
I'm in the final stages of planning my next sea journey, which with any kind of luck will see Galleycat visit The Whitsunday Island group! via "The Reef" of course!
The yard work continue's, with a 40ft live aboard powerboat on the large cradle "choiseul",
This vessel is a "repeat"!,
meaning I've been here B4!
I've now been here long enuf for the first boatz I worked on, 2now B returning after a season of cruising.
This only fuels my desire to get out on the water! Sooner rather than later!
So this week coming will B a anutha Big 1 with lotz 2 do as usual!
I don't know about you but I can't wait until Tomorrow, so I'm getting back into it rite now!
Ciao 4 now!
Captain Felix