Saturday, 23 February 2013


 G'day All,
               Afta a full on week of "failure", I've taken leave of the land for a refresher trip.
Zero planning just untie the Yot and go for a sail.
The early hydraulic success of last week has come to a grinding halt, the microwave repairs like wise and the "mast-cam" is also having technivikal issues. VERY FRUSTR8ING!!!
Also Noah (crazy Cananadian) has to leave the country on Monday to renew his Visa, so itz kind of a going away sail?
 Even if the wind won't co-operate!
Saturday Morning I rang Torsten and his Brother Chris as well as Noah and suggested we all BUGGER OFF for a couple of days and just a few short hours later we were on our way.
Some of the best trips happen like this "don't they Ash".
We had a minor issue leaving the shore as "Some Genius" had hooked the new hydraulic steering lines up in REVERSE!
 That genius: would be Me!
 So after learning to drive a boat all over again we headed out to sea.
It was humbling to know "I'm not smarter than a hydraulic ram. Repairs were easy once we were in the open ocean as it was as flat as a pancake!
No sailing Today. So we motored!
Decision made!, we'd head to Radical bay on the bottom corner of Magnetic island.
This bay is very similar to Butterfly Bay and is normally far too wind swept to sail into, but with conditions like this we decided to take full advantage.
2 hours later we pulled up to a beach in your "classic tropical bay"!
Sandy beach, rocks either side, crystal clear water and palm tree's everywhere.
Once on the beach we met up with Candice and Chantel from Canada (coincidence?- I think Not).
So we swam, ate lunch, fed the resident fishes, snorkeled , had a few drinks and generally relaxed.

A much needed unwind from the "issues" of this week!
I've decided the Yot is as ready as itz ever going to get and to stop stressing about it.
As such, I'm thinking a trip out to the reef next weekend could be on the agenda.
 I feel the need to catch some "real fish".
I will have the Auto pilot running by the thyme we leave for Cairns in 3 weeks. Finga's crossed!
The mast upgrades are an amazing success, with nearly everything a 100% improvement.

The biggest advantage is the increased Internet range, with the CDMA antennae up on the mast I had full coverage even inside the confines of Radical Bay. Unlike the mobile phones on board.
Somethymes no network can be a good thing. But when it comes to weather forecasts and safety, having  Internet coverage gives me the ability to get and receive messages without the phone working. I'm not overly sure but as I'm using a long range router that takes a 'sim" card I think I should be able to hook up the fone if I really had to. But with the electronic problems of this week itz not sumthin I'll be trying soon.
The new lighting works a treat for both night sailing and anchoring.
The radar is also fantastic for finding objects in the darkness, rite down to marker poles and buoys.
We re supplied with drinks and ice in Horseshoe Bay before heading off for a twilight sail / drive.
Then an unexpected thunderstorm brewed up over the land giving us the most amazing light show on dusk and into the evening. This activity only increased as it was finally thyme to hoist the sails using the approaching storms wind energy.
"Sailing", at last and a free light show to boot
 "Life's tuff!"
Dinner was a fantastic fresh herb,  tomato penne pasta with the motar and pestal being put to good use grinding the basil,thyme and garlic along with chilli and parmasean oil.
Great Feed! and a great thyme was had by all.
The approaching storm had us moving dishes and loose objects to more secure confines as the wind and waves increased.
Noah took the controls and we were soon under full sail in the moon and lightning glow.
Not bad,
Safely back in Horseshoe bay we bid farewell to 2 of our Canadian Stow- aways and settled down in the middle of the bay for a little music, drinks and lightning!
Even this became too uncomfortable around 3 am so we re-positioned close to the Northern shore.
A Lazy Sunday breakfast around 11am before a swim and lure casting session.
Thyme to head back to REALITY!
More to follow!

Monday, 18 February 2013


WTF not WFT!

 G'day All,
                This week is all about Hydraulics!
My task of having the Yot ready 4 Cairns is well on trak. "Not that this Yot needz trax."
I've now turned my attention to the final item that would stop the Yot from being able to leave port in just a few short weeks.
Otto has proved 2B a most troublesome (yet essential) part of the Yot, U only have to read the previous entries to appreci8 this fact.
Every thyme I put to sea, Otto (the auto pilot) rates a mention!
Very few of these mentions R favorable, in fact  only the first 2, that I can find. After that He's caused nuthin but problems, especially during the past trip to the Whitsunday's. So itz now thyme to remove him and bring the autopilot system into this century with the addition of a hydraulic
 "octo pump" to take over from the 1980 version Raymarine wheel pilot.
As the opening foto showz this is not the easiest of processes, without spending around $3000!
The opening shot shows the "simple" wiring diagram that will hopefully make this a "reality" rather than theoretical fiction!,
 After much discussion at "the table of knowledge"
 Shaun (from Two Rocks) came up with a proposed wiring diagram that "might do the trick".
After sourcing the necessary bits from Altronics, I  connected the old Raymarine Head unit to the Newly sourced "Octo-pump" and threw the switch.
Muchly Amazing, I still don't quite understand how it works, but it works and thatz all that matters.
So with this weex goal of having the Autopilot replaced by the end of the week almost done, I'm now well in front, with installation now the biggest hurdle.
 The dinghy too has had a further upgrade with a new windscreen being fitted this week, itz only the covers and towing drogue now stopping me from crossing this item off my list .
The rear deck and safety railing damage, has now been repaired as well.
This past weekend dedicated to replacing the 2 damaged sections of railing and replacing a large section of the fishing platform.
I've also fitted these "fashionable?" END CAPS to the stainless angle on the deck. I was struggling with a "rather" (english/Irish accent) complicated rubber clamp system that hooked over the rail to stop you kicking your toe every thyme you pass.
Noah's suggestion "wear shoe's" !
So in true Galleycat fashion I put shoes on the railing!
I got several fishy fone calls this week, specially Brother Andrew who is catching way more fish than any of the rest of Australia (good on him,"Bastard",see lesson learnt blog entry!).
 I've also had a few emails from, I'm guessing Miss Mermaid back in chilly Ireland, apparently the sun is now shining on the uthu side of the world. ,
Itz still warm here,
This thyme last year  Mermaid was just awakening from winter hybern8tion while I was melting.
 but at least this year the cloud cover has stopped the worst of the blistering heat. Most of the work at the moment is attributed to the cloud cover. As this thyme last year progress was stationary due to massive rainfall.
Itz heartening to appreci8 the difference before and afta on the progress of THE YOT!
 I'm amazed, and I live here!
With the "EPA" inspection last week I had 2 move everything Galleycat owns on board,  Not bad until you realize that my stores are a few months in front of my current job.
 I had 2 leave the refrigeration foam on shore but everything else is now aboard. including the solar hot water unit and the main water filtration (wkoa) head. This has meant that I've had to incorper8 these 2 extra's into my work list. Moving water collection and filtr8ion up on "the list".
Frigy Brad and Miss Dee gave me these 2 items and itz only now that I realize their significance as being major items.
BIG STATEMINT (until U realize)
I'm just about to seper8  from both shore power and water!
The biggest energy consumer onboard is water!
"This is weird as I'm surruonded by IT!"
Brad has now given me both of the essential systems I need 2 survive, as I cross the Top of Aus,
I'll now B able to, not only catch the water but filter and heat it! Without Power Input...
That'z only if I get this Ottopilot up and running, And make another Friday Lunch, as last weex will take sum beeting!
Roasted chicken quarters with cajun/creole spice, grilled eggplant, cauliflouwer cheese and new potatoes with fresh mint and parsley butta! "Richard payed this week"!,still more thanx from someone I should be thanking.
It loox like both trips are off! as I'm not ready to head 2 Cairns, which in turn makes me not ready to head to either Perth or Brisbane this week as planned.
Not that I'm in anyway complaining as I settle down to a fellixer and thai chilli mudcrab, not 2 bad for a Monday kind of Friday,
Til next week (if I live that long)