Friday, 25 November 2011


 G'day All , From the land of Galley Cat!!!
I kind of feel like Sir David Attenborough???
"Here's me takin nature foto's!"
 But I couldn't let this 1 pass without a Foto! A leaf cruised past this week! YES a leaf! But this leaf was special, it had a very cunning passenger.Mr Crab had found himself a perfect pontoon. It didn't take the Archer's long to realize somethin waz up!  As the next Foto showz they soon had Mr Crab surrounded and a battle of will's ensued with Mr Crab the "VICTORIOUS" challenger.Sum timez itz the simple thingz that make life worth livin!

 Aside from nature foto ography itz been a really, really busy week!
The new rear dek improvementz R now complete thank god!
Itz been a long sweaty hard slog, but today we finished replacing the deck after a minor fuk up with the hatch not being able 2 fit through the deck opening, but Kenny's wisdom prevailed and we cut the hatch in half (see foto'z).The first of 6 support polez are now fitted and the first sheet of nydiaplast has been fibreglassed 4 the "pergola"
The tides are increasing at an alarming rate with the YOT a remote island, then 2 hours later a stranded vessel on a rocky landscape. By February the tide will move 4 meters each day! a little hard to comprehend based on Perth tidal movement but only half of what I can expect in the  Kimberly's.
This week has seen the true arrival of "THE WET" with rain or thundastormz each day! Not the easiest thing 2 deal with when ur tryin 2 fibreglass a new deck and side wall onto your YOT, Without Ken's assistance and
guidance I'd still be as lost as a "crab on a leaf"
Itz a strange fernomena!!!!????? But Ken arrives each morning and what waz a big problem suddenly becomes a very easily manageable 1.
The removal of the rear deck and upgrade of the rudder system'z were 2B honest a little beyond me but with Ken takin charge of the job, nuthin's 2 hard.
We did make a few minor fuk upz but "hey" we are after all only human males! Lotz of laughz ensued when we got the deck screwed and fibreglassed into place only 2 realize that the cover for the lower part of the hull wouldn't fit through the deck opening.
U have know idea just how HOT it getz when the rain stopz and the sun comes out from behind the clouds 2 frazzle U! It took less than 1 hour to turn both Ken and Myself into complete" dribblin messes" on Wednesday arvo ,So I vowed we would B smarter from now on! That statement lasted less than a day,as I found myself baking in the same conditionz the very next day. So much 4 the wisdom of age!
However despite the conditionz we still managed to complete the task of replacing the kitchen by Friday arvo. Itz been a real eye opening experience with all manor of complicationz (wkoa) leaving us stumpd!!
Until the following morning ,where I present my idea's and Ken add'z his idea and between us we work out a totally different solution 2 the problem that had us perplexxed the day B4!
 Sum timez itz the simplest of fixes, other timez itz a really complic8ed solution but the end result is still the same,with the job progressing!
On the culinary front I've managed 2 kill my tarragon,sage oregano and thyme plants! Apparently mortein kills both bugz and PLANTS! whoops!
All I wanted 2 do was kill some scale type creatures but apparently all I needed 2 do waz spray them with milk."Go Figure!"
2 Day I made stuffed spudz for lunch, both bacon,garlic and onion and bolognaise varieties were eaten,consumed and scoffed at the Friday lunch fest!
This is the first meal 2B repeated after a whole year of Friday lunches,not that bad really!
I've just spent an hour on the fone 2 litte Ash and JP talkin about life and loves back in my past life.I do miss you all and cannot(can't)(with a South African accent!) wait 2 cu all again!
 But 4 now I'm Quite content 2 keep working on the YOT and getting 2 the stage that I can head for remote destinationz (wkoa) without worry or concern! It may take a few more months yet but the task is getting smaller by the day!

It really will not B long B4 I can set sail and not have to return 2 the  mainland 4 at least a month or 2.The YOT has proved itz worth! Now itz simply a matter of refining the concept and fixing a few minor systemz and I'll be on my way to partz unknown! The next few weekz will B a challenge with "MAJOR" reconstruction works on the Stb (right) pontoon and rudder assembly and fitting of the long awaited "pergola".
Still I'd rather B here than back in my old life workin 18 hours each day gettin nowhere!
Itz really an amazing thing to wake up and wonder "what do I want 2 do 2 day" soon that decision will be made 4 me by the surrounding reef but for now I'll settle on improving my life and Yot 1 step at a thyme(even if the plant is dead).
Thatz all 4 this week !!!
Enjoy your life every day,I know I am!

Captain Felix