Monday, 14 October 2019


G'day All,
                As the title suggests the yot is still on the hardstand and requires more work B4 it can be put back in2 the water.
Our current problem is the line up and adjustment of the Stb motor and prop shaft. It turns out after a week of work that we actually have a broken engine mount which explains the weird readings Jim has been getting with his feeler gauges. As usual it'll take at least a week B4 the new mounts arrive.
The swim deck/ fishing platform iz now fitted to the rear of the yot along with the massive support beams that now hold up the roof and the dinghy lifting crane.
It iz now clear that I must head south B4 the cyclone season iz in full swing.
Itz now a week later and the changes are huge!
The yot iz ready to refloat and both motors have been checked and started in preparation (wkoa) to the yot being lifted back in2 the water.
Several problems still await but the general vibe is that I'm ready to head South 2wards Exmouth and Coral Bay.
This is an end game or final move as the whole purpose of this journey iz 2 get the Yot 2 Exxy.
Already I've heard from both Ash and Mr Mick that they'll be visiting the yot once I reach Exmouth but between there and here is nearly 800 nm and lotz and lotz of water.
The up-coming cyclone season iz now the driving force as 2 my up coming destinations. With Port Hedland just a mere 400 of those 800 nm's from here.