Friday, 17 August 2012


More 2 the point! Galleycatz got a New Brain!
Itz taken many weeks, and lotz of thunking but finally I've managed 2 rebuild the "brain of the Yot"
While this install is only temporary itz still Gr8 2 be able to type this Blog entry at the new console!
Itz bean anuther big week aboard with daily changes to the console making for interesting thymes.
At the end of last week the basic skeleton of the helm waz in place. Now the skin and wiring is fitted. However only the essential circuits are installed! Just enuf to make the Yot work. (as I've just got 2 disassemble  any wiring I fit).
The process involved in building this console is very thyme consuming,with each stage being fitted, removed, refitted then finally screwed into place B4 I move onto the next component.(Hopefully I've got it right) Slowly things have been added up until 2nite when I began to fit the first of the skin or cover panelz.
 Once I've done a trial trip with the new set up I'll disassemble the entire unit back 2 floor level, then glue, screw and wire all of the pieces together. Only then will the console be classed as finished and I can begin with the trims and coverings.Either way itz still a period of much progress.
Ken has returned to the yard after his adventure into the outback chasing gemstones and gold. He had some success finding "Gold" with his new detector. However Wendy (Ken's beloved) claimed the first piece of gold as her own.
Friday's slow cooked beef roast waz a huge success with everyone eating at least 2 beef and gravy rolls. The meat 4 our first batch of beef jerky has arrived in the yard. I'll begin the cutting and marinading process after the weekend! I've also made a really nice chicken and cashew stirfry, Thai fish curry and spagetti bolognaise.
We've had a cartoon movie marathon this week each nite at 7pm so both Noah and myself set about having the dayz duties and jobs completed before the movie started. Gr8 fun!
Rob and his missus organised a birthday cake for me at morning smoko, which waz unexpected but very tastee!
Tomorrow Noah and myself set off 4 Cape Clevland in the dinghy with a full set of dive gear aboard. We'll hopefully locate and retrieve the anchor and chain we left during our last visit 2 Salamander reef. Then with a few hours up our sleeve we'll just have to wet a line or 2. B4 we return 2 the yard and I set about preparing for the Yot to leave shore on the next tide. Fingers crossed.
 Just a short trip back 2 Cape Clevland and Salamander to test the improvmentz and upgrades. Perhaps a day or 2 or three. Who knows?
It is "My Birthday" after all so I'm going to simply set sail and see what happens.
Itz going 2 take a monumental effort 2 get Galleycat ready 2 leave B4 the tide arrives but I'll give it a shot!
Dad organised a roll of rope for the new anchoring system, which arrived today along with my replacement battery charger so technikly the Yot is now capable of returning to sea. Just!
Itz going 2B (pencil) a very interesting weekend!
Miss Mermaid has been in touch and will be arriving into Sydney on the 1st of October! (she's just a little excited) This is just a few days B4 I'm due in Sydney for my trip 2 Bathurst. I can see the starz beginning to align. If all goes well I'll catch up with Amanda either in Sydney or in the Blue mountain were she's heading to spend some quality thyme with her besty Elle? Not sure of the spelling.
At this stage it loox like I'll park the Yot at Airlie beach and catch the bus or train or plane down 2 Sydney. Itz just easier that way! As its a 2000nm trip by Yot which would take a month (minimum!) where as if I head South towards the Whitsundays I can spend several weeks enjoying the Islands and fishing, then board more conventional "faster" transport for the bulk of the trip south.
 Thatz the plan anyway! I'll keep you updated.
4 now itz more building, tidying and constructing in a vain effort to be ready 2 head towards The Whitsunday's in September.
Brother Andrew had his 40th Birthday last week and things are looking better 4 him with his health. Plus he's catching more fish than he can count! Now that he's got his boat settled into his new home on Groote Island. I believe coral trout are like blowflys up there and thatz only if you can get your line past the spanish mackerel.
I can't wait until I tie Galleycat up and we combine both boats for some truly amazing fishing. Hopefully by then I'll of mastered the art of uploading video entries onto this Blog so you can all see the fishing in living color!
I have no doubt I'll be updating again B4 the weekend is over so I'll leave it there.
Thatz all folks'
Captain Felix (The Old)